Festivals of Yahuah

The Scriptures are essentially the culmination of The Father's own Love Story to His Bride written from the very foundations of the earth. The Story begins at Creation in Genesis, is defined in Enoch, Jasher and Jubilees, recorded through the Books of the Turah, Prophets and Writings (called the Tanakh) advancing into what some call the “Apocrypha” which tell the rich history of His Nation even through the end of the New Covenant Letters ("The New Testament"), until finally coming to a close at the Book of Revelation. Yet, these same Scriptures stretch even beyond today into the very depths of forever. The Story describes His Marriage, His Divorce for Her adultery and His never ending grace and mercy through making a Way for Her to come back into Covenant through His Firstborn Son Yahusha. The Story springs up Hope for the Lost and Scattered Sheep of Yasharal mixed amongst the nations who are called, and innately desire, to come back into relationship with the Father by means of a New Covenant only made possible through the Death, Resurrection, and Ascension in the Messiah Yahusha for ending the First Covenant in order to establish a Second within the framework of Turah. This Story is documented, told, memorialized and prophesied through His Set Apart Chosen Nation of Royal Priests called “Yasharal” by Way of His Feasts and Appointed Times.
These Appointed Times are calculated very precisely every year as the Scriptures instruct, and although many fall on the same exact dates every year, some change based on specific instructions. The dates listed below begin and end with the first and last evenings listed, as the Hebrew day reckoning ends with sundown and begins in darkness, whereas the dates listed for the New Moon Festivals may not be exact, and will be dependent upon the first evening the First Sliver of Light is observed after a dark moon.

To better test and understand the calendar instructions found in Enoch, Jubilees and Jasher check out our blog here
For a more in depth study on the calendar reckoning and meaning of the Festivals, feel free to read our study here
Calendar Reckoning Study Video
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