When we read the Word from Genesis to Revelation as one complete story (especially the ancient unabridged version found in the Septuagint, Ethiopian and Dead Sea Scrolls), it becomes quite apparent this question is not a new one, but a regular test of Faith for the Father's Set Apart People throughout the entire Story of Scripture.
Right from Genesis, we see the Righteous and Unrighteous nations are distinguished by those who worship the Creator in The Way He asks, verses those who do not:
"And יהוה said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing,
since Abraham is certainly going to become a great and mighty nation,
and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I have known him,
so that he commands his children and his household after him, to guard The Way of יהוה, to do Righteousness and Right-Ruling, so that יהוה brings to Abraham what He has spoken to him." And יהוה said, “Because the outcry against Sadam and Amorah is great,
and because their sin is very heavy. I am going down now to see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me, and if not, I know.
So the men turned away from there and went toward Sadam,
but יהוה still stood before Abraham. And Abraham drew near and said,
“Would You also destroy the Righteous with the wrong?"
-Genesis 18:17-23
In the Hebrew Books referenced as Inspired Scripture (2 Tim. 3:14-17) which relay the details of the earliest days of mankind such as Chanak (Enoch: ref. Math/Matt. 22:29, Yahud/Jude 1:14-15), Barashyth (Genesis), Yubalym (Jubilees: ref. Acts 7:53) and Yashar (Jasher: Yahu/Josh. 10:13; 2 Sam. 1:18; and 2 Tim. 3:8), we learn within just a few generations after the worldwide flood, Nimrud (meaning "rebellion" in Hebrew, often mistransliterated as Nimrod in modern times) was born to his father Kush (a son of Cham from which the giants were born in the earth "after the days of the flood"). Once Nimrud turned 20 years of age, he secretly put on the very garments Yahuah made to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness which his grandfather Cham stole from Nuach (Noah). As he wore the special garments, Nimrud grew in strength and power, eventually becoming a world renowned "mighty hunter" and the most skilled warrior known among men in those days (Yasher 7:24-33).
"8And Kush brought forth Nimrud, he began to be a mighty one on the earth. 9He was a mighty hunter before יהוה, therefore it is said, “Like Nimrud the mighty hunter before Yahuah.” 10And the beginning of his reign was Babel, and Erek, and Akkad, and Kalnĕh, in the land of Shinar. 11From that land he went to Ashshur and built Nineweh, and Rechoboth Ir, and Kelaḥ, 12and Resen between Nineweh and Kelach, the great city."
-Genesis 10:8-12
Strength unmatched, Nimrud successfully led several armies to conquer neighboring tribes and countries while continually providing the meat necessary to build his own flourishing kingdom. In the world's eyes, his supernatural strength seemed to be connected to his quick wit and possibly even "strong genes" as his family lineage inherited the corrupted genetic bloodline dating back to the times of the evil nephilim (chimeric human-angelic-animal beings):
"1And it came to be, when men began to increase on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2that the sons of Alahym saw the daughters of men, that they were good. And they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. 3And יהוה said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever in his going astray. He is flesh, and his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” 4The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of Alahym came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, the men of name. 5And יהוה saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6And יהוה was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart."
-Genesis 6:1-6
"And in the twenty eighth jubilee Nuach began to enjoin upon his son's sons the Ordinances and Commandments, and all the Judgments that he knew,
and he exhorted his sons to observe Righteousness, and to cover the shame of their flesh, and to bless their Creator, and honor father and mother, and love their neighbor,
and guard their souls from fornication and uncleanness and all iniquity.
For owing to these three things came the flood upon the earth, namely,
owing to the fornication wherein the Watchers against the Torah of their Ordinances went a whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves women of all which they chose: and they made the beginning of uncleanness. And they begat sons the Naphaliym, and they were all unlike, and they devoured one another: and the Naphaliym slew the Nephiyl, and the Nephiyl slew the Elyo, and the Elyo mankind, and one man another.
And everyone sold himself to work iniquity and to shed much blood, and the earth was filled with iniquity. And after this they sinned against the beasts and birds, and all that moves and walks on the earth: and much blood was shed on the earth, and every imagination and desire of men imagined vanity and evil continually.
And Yahuah destroyed everything from off the face of the earth;
because of the wickedness of their deeds, and because of the blood which they
had shed in the midst of the earth he destroyed everything."
-Yubalym/Jubilees 7:20-25
"And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their women by force from their men according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days
took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air,
and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other,
in order therewith to provoke Yahuah;
and Alahym saw the whole earth and it was corrupt,
for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals."
-Yashar/Jasher 4:18
"It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful. And when the Watchers, the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamored of them, saying to each other: Come, let us select for ourselves women from the progeny of men, and let us beget children. Then their leader Shemiy'aza said to them; I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise; And that I alone shall suffer for so grievous a crime. But they answered him and said: We all swear; And bind ourselves by mutual execrations, that we will not change our intention, but execute our projected undertaking. Then they swore all together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their whole number was two hundred, who descended upon Ardis, which is the top of Mount Chermon. That mountain therefore was called Chermon, because they had sworn upon it, and bound themselves by mutual execrations. These are the names of their chiefs: Shemiy'aza, who was their leader, Urakabarame'al, Akiybe'al, Tamiy'al, Ramu'al, Dan'al, Azke'al, Sarakny'al, Asa'al, Armers, Batra'al, Anane, Zavebe, Samsave'al, Erta'al, Tur'al, Yomya'al, Arazy'al. These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all with them. Then they took women, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees. And the women conceiving brought forth Naphaliym, and they bore to them three races first, the great Naphaliym. The Naphaliym brought forth the Nephiliym, and the Nephiliym brought forth the Elioud. And they existed, increasing in power according to their greatness. Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all the labor of men; until it became impossible to feed them; When they turned themselves against men, in order to devour them; And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fish, to eat one another's flesh and to drink their blood. Then the earth reproved the unrighteous."
-Chanak/Enoch 7:11-15
Initially, despite his genetic disposition towards rebellion, Nimrud glorified his Creator Yahuah for all his success, therefore Yah continued to favor and empower him until Nimrud eventually became honored as king over all the earth (Gen 10-11). However, in similar fashion to those before him, in all his glory and admiration, Nimrud's pride eventually led him to reject the commandments of the Creator Who blessed him. Instead of kneeling before his Creator, Nimrud set up a pantheon of pagan idols complete with rites, rituals and festivals for his people to use in order to worship the fallen messengers who provided secret knowledge to his forefathers and the rest of creation (such as the departed spirits of nephilim, and even the sun, moon and "wandering stars" who rebelled against their Maker while kneeling before him):
"Then the angel said: This place, until the consummation of heaven and earth, will be the prison of the stars, and the host of heaven. The stars which roll over fire are those which transgressed the commandment of Alahym before their time arrived; for they came not in their proper season. Therefore was he offended with them, and bound them, until the period of the consummation of their crimes in the secret year."
-Chanak/Enoch 18:15-16
"Then Uriyal said: Here the angels, who cohabited with women, appointed their leaders; And assuming many forms made men profane, and caused them to err; so that they sacrificed to devils as to alahym. For in the great day of judgment, with which they shall be judged, until they are consumed; and their women also shall be judged, who led astray the angels of heaven that they might salute them. And I, Chanach, I alone saw the likeness of the end of all things. Nor did any man see it, as I saw it."
-Chanak/Enoch 19:1-3
"And all the earth was of one tongue and words of union, but Nimrud did not go in The Ways of Yahuah, and he was more wicked than all the men that were before him, from the days of the flood until those days. And he made mighty ones of wood and stone, and he bowed down to them, and he rebelled against Yahuah, and taught all his subjects and the people of the earth his wicked ways; and Mardon his son was more wicked than his father. And everyone that heard of the acts of Mardon the son of Nimrud would say, concerning him, 'From the wicked goes forth wickedness'; therefore it became a proverb in the whole earth, saying: 'From the wicked goes forth wickedness', and it was current in the words of men from that time to this."
-Yashar/Jasher 7:46-48
As time progressed, Nimrud's heart grew darker and darker as he continually chose rebellion against the very Creator Who made him, but Nimrud's son Mardon (a child raised in selfish pride and wickedness) grew up to be even more wicked than his father. Even as king over all the known world, Nimrud's desire for power and admiration could not be satiated. He allowed his people to build a massive tower reaching into heaven itself (Genesis 11), determined to rule the entire world from his throne there after they conquered both heaven and earth. However, Yahuah saw the relentless pride in his heart and dispersed Nimrud's workers by removing His Set Apart language from their mouths, replacing it with various other languages so the builders could no longer effectively communicate.
"And all the princes of Nimrod and his great men took counsel together; Put, Matsarym, Kush and Kena'an with their families, and they said to each other: Come let us build ourselves a city and in it a strong tower, and its top reaching heaven, and we will make ourselves famed, so that we may reign upon the whole world, in order that the evil of our enemies may cease from us, that we may reign mightily over them, and that we may not become scattered over the earth on account of their wars. And they all went before the king, and they told the king these words, and the king agreed with them in this affair, and he did so. And all the families assembled consisting of about six hundred thousand men, and they went to seek an extensive piece of ground to build the city and the tower, and they sought in the whole earth, and they found none like one valley at the east of the land of Shin'ar, about two days' walk, and they journeyed there, and they dwelt there. And they began to make bricks and burn fires to build the city and the tower that they had imagined to complete. And the building of the tower was unto them a transgression and a sin, and they began to build it, and while they were building against Yahuah Alahym of Heaven, they imagined in their hearts to war against Him and to ascend into Heaven. And they built the tower and the city, and they did this thing daily until many days and years were elapsed. And Alahym said to the seventy angels who stood foremost before Him, to those who were near to Him, saying: 'Come let us descend and confuse their languages, that one man shall not understand the language of his neighbor', and they did so unto them. And from that day following, they forgot each man his neighbor's tongue, and they could not understand to speak in one tongue, and when the builder took from the hands of his neighbor lime or stone which he did not order, the builder would cast it away and throw it upon his neighbor, that he would die. And they did so many days, and they killed many of them in this manner. And Yahuah smote the three divisions that were there, and he punished them according to their works and designs; those who said: 'We will ascend to heaven and serve our alahym (mighty ones)', became like apes and elephants; and those who said: 'We will smite the heaven with arrows', Yahuah killed them, one man through the hand of his neighbor; and the third division of those who said: 'We will ascend to heaven and fight against Him', Yahuah scattered them throughout the earth. And those who were left amongst them, when they knew and understood the evil which was coming upon them, they forsook the building, and they also became scattered upon the face of the whole earth. And they ceased building the city and the tower; therefore he called that place Babel, for there Yahuah confounded the language of the whole earth; behold it was at the east of the land of Shin'ar. And as to the tower which the sons of men built, the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up one third part thereof, and a fire also descended from heaven and burned another third, and the other third is left to this day, and it is of that part which was aloft, and its circumference is three days' walk. And many of the sons of men died in that tower, a people without number."
-Yashar/Jasher 9:36-39
Therefore, since Babylon's once powerfully united kingdom was immediately divided by separate languages, the historical account of Nimrud's supernatural strength, along with his wife and son's rise to power was often retold in various translations throughout the world. However, as time went progressed, their stories became evermore embellished. Fables regarding the celestial deities' origins even Nimrud once worshipped became interwined with the reality of his genetic bloodline polluting the true historical accounts of their lives. Nimrud eventually became represented by the sun, his wife ("Semiramis" according to the ancient historian Eusebius) with the moon, whereas Mardon thought as the actual reincarnation of Nimrud (as the sun sets and rises in the east each new day). Collectively, they became known as the "King and Queen of Heaven and Earth" although they infamously failed in this mission during their own lifetimes. However, the premise of these reimagined origin stories detailing the heart of the "mystery religions" always centers on the values of rebellion, i.e. "following your own heart" as opposed to obeying the commands of the true Creator. Furthermore, some of the gentile rituals which often serve to "elevate their rulers to godhood" based on those which Nimrud once used to venerate the fallen messengers who led mankind astray esoterically celebrate the original sin of Adam and Chuah (Eve) consuming the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil so they become "enlightened" or as Satan said, "become more like Him, knowing good and evil" (ultimately leading to both procreation and destruction).
"1Why do the gentiles rage, And the peoples meditate emptiness? 2The sovereigns of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together, against יהוה and against His Messiah, and say, 3Let us tear apart Their bonds, and throw away Their ropes from us.”
-Psalm 2:1-3
Sacred Sun and Tree Veneration of Ancient Mesopotamia
Stone relief from the throne room of Ashurnasirpal II.
Nimrud (ancient Kalhu), northern Iraq
Alabaster Relief from "Nimrud", Mesopotamia
In Hebrew, the word for serpent is "nachash" which can also be translated as "shining one," but also means "divination", or literally "to observe signs" (such as the "signs" in the celestial heavens and/or interpretation of omens). For this reason, the term is sometimes used to refer to deception. This is also why we often find ancient Assyrian and Babylonian artifacts paying homage to "shamash" or the "sun god" complete with elaborate sun disks behind their heads, light bursts, solar pillars and evergreen trees. This custom venerates the circle of life and death as the "gateway to enlightenment" and "ascension to godhood" celebrated through the changing of the seasons by the sun's path of light throughout the year.
*For more information regarding the ancient gentile calendars and festivals related to the growing cycle, consider our study available here which goes into much further detail.
As we know, the Father reckons disobedience towards Him as the "sin of divination" (1 Sam. 15:22-24), and the fallen messengers such as those who took humans wives, and even Gadra'al, the shining cherub who transformed himself to appear as a "shining" serpent in the Garden deceiving mankind (Enoch 69, Yach./Eze. 28), are bright and shining in their true angelic forms, but deceptive as they appear "holy" and yet, are truly wicked:
"13For such are false emissaries, deceptive workers, masquerading as emissaries of Messiah. 14And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light!
15It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works!"
-2 Corinthians 11:13-15
"9The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, 10and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth, in order for them to be saved, 11And for this reason Alahym sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the falsehood, 12in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in the unrighteousness."
-2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
Although most cultures no longer call them Nimrud, Semiramis or Mardon, instead referring to them as Baal, Ashtaroth and Tammuz, or Ra, Osiris and Isis, Zeus and Hera, Jupiter (Zeus), Venus and Bacchus, Odin and Freya, etc., regardless of their translated names and precise details of their "origin" stories, certain characteristics knit them all together - deities of "heaven and earth", destruction and procreation - all ultimately honoring Nimrud's rebellion as "freedom from oppression" by way of numerology, symbology, idols, fertility and solar pillars and the use of evergreen trees to mark the "celestial signs".
"The ancient Egyptians worshipped a god called Ra, who had the head of a hawk and wore the sun as a blazing disk in his crown. At the solstice, when Ra began to recover from his illness, the Egyptians filled their homes with green palms and papyrus reeds, which symbolized for them the triumph of life over death."
-History Channel, "History of Christmas Trees"
While these gentile practices may differ from language to language and culture to culture, or even change over time, Scripture reminds us the ritualistic veneration of the fallen messengers, nephilim races, angels, spirits, celestial bodies, reckoning signs of heaven and omens of earth in all various sects of mystical gnosticism promising to each be the "true path to enlightenment," all truly only end in darkness, destruction and eternal separation from the One True King:
"9“When you come into the land which יהוה your Alahym is giving you,
do not learn to do according to the abominations of those gentiles.
10Let no one be found among you who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices divination, or a user of magic, or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer, 11or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12For whoever does these are an abomination to יהוה, and because of these abominations יהוה your Alahym drives them out from before you."
-Deuteronomy 18:9-12
"A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Yonah.” And He left them and went away."
-MathathYahu/Matthew 16:4
Celebrating Dedication & Rededication
In truth, the Inspired Hebrew Scriptures teach the Creator's anointing of Nuach (Noah), Sham (Shem), Abraham, Yatschaq (Isaac) and Yaacub (Jacob) was passed on to His Chosen Set Apart nation known as the 12 Tribes of Yasharal (Israel). Through the books detailing the Exodus, we find the Father teaching their children to walk in Righteousness, instructing the Mixed Multitude He brought out of Egyptian Captivity how to properly love others and honor Him by observing specified commandments and Festivals, then warned them not to assimilate into the Gentile cultures, nor to adopt them by worshipping Him in the way they worshipped their idols, but to remain Set Apart from them (Deuteronomy 7:1-26). However, during their trial-some, sanctifying experience in the Wilderness, we find the account of Aaron and the Hebrews' Golden Calf Incident (Exodus 20, 23 & 32); building a golden calf through which they sought to worship the Father in Heaven. Of all the mixed multitude, only the Luym (Levites) remained faithful to the commands, therefore 3000 people from the other eleven tribes were immediately condemned to death for participating in this grievous transgression.
Knowing their inability to continually remain obedient to His Commands without His Set Apart Spirit dwelling within them, He then declared the prescribed way of worship for them to temporarily cover their transgressions and uncleanliness and to deal with their rebellion when they'd inevitably fall away. Because of their dedication shown during the golden calf incident, the Luym were appointed as Priests and Teachers for the rest of His People. They received much honor for their position among their brethren, as they received no land and would depend on the providence of the people to whom received the increase only due to their strict obedience to the Father's Commands. Therefore, the priests were perpetually incentivized to lead the Hebrew People to truly obey Him as faithfully as possible. Therefore, the Hebrews were then called to celebrate the first Dedication Ceremony of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness for the Glory of the Father (Numbers 7:1-11, Jasher 83:1-8). Although most of the people and Luym Priests collectively obeyed the laws and ordinances, two men rebelled against the precise instructions outlined for the special sacrifices required in the Tabernacle, and were immediately killed for offering such "strange fire" (Luym/Levi. 10). Although seemingly genuine in their desire to worship the Father, they were condemned for bringing a kind of sacrifice not commanded – their lack of fear towards obeying Him precisely as He commanded reveals how seriously He takes willful disobedience and lack of respect for His Sovereignty, regardless of how well intended.
By these particular examples, we learn the Father commands His People not to practice gentile idolization or customs, especially to never incorporate them into worship of Alahym (The Father, Son and Set Apart Spirit). He reveals this is partly because He refuses to share His Glory with others (YashaYahu/Isaiah 42:8), nor tolerates His People forgetting Who truly deserves praise for all their many blessings (Psa. 24:1). Furthermore, He reveals these boundaries were set for their own protection as He declares His People were to destroy the idols of the gentiles when they entered the Promised Land in order to “cleanse the land” from the “unclean things” so they would not "become ensnared by them". He also warned them if they chose to adopt those practices later, they would reap the natural consequences of their sin (like sickness, disease, destruction and death) and His divine providence and protection over them and their People and Land would be removed.
But much like the two men who disregarded the Father's precise instructions despite His warnings of the consequences, He also warned future generations would eventually cast off His Commands to follow the Gentile holiday traditions and even begin to worship their gods, despite His various warnings. For this, He swore He would scatter them out of their Land into the four corners of the world, and only bring later generations back, if and when they would Believe the Gospel, repent of their Gentile ways, and dedicate themselves to following Him in "Spirit and in Truth".
“And it shall be, when all these Words come upon you, the Blessing and the Curse which I have set before you, and you shall bring them back to your heart among all the Gentiles where יהוה your Alahym drives you, and shall turn back to יהוה your Alahym and obey His voice, according to all that I command you today, with all your heart and with all your soul, you and your children, then יהוה your Alahym shall turn back your captivity, and shall have compassion on you, and He shall turn back and gather you from all the peoples where יהוה your Alahym has scattered you."
-Deuteronomy 30:1-3
In 1st & 2nd Kings and throughout the Books of the Prophets, we are told this prophetic warning of judgement and dispersion surely came to pass. Although King Shalamah (Solomon) dedicated the first permanent Temple in Yarushalam (2 Chronicles 7:1-22, 2 Baruk 61:1-8) on the very threshing-floor where his father Daud (David) purchased land (2 Sam 24:24, 2 Chron. 3:1), the Northern Kingdom of Yasharal was eventually divorced from the Covenant and sent into captivity for adopting pagan rituals and festivals, even though they also intended to “worship Yahuah”:
"7Now this came to be because the Children of Yasharal had sinned against יהוה their Alahym – who had brought them up out of the land of Matsraym (Egypt), from under the hand of Pharaoh sovereign of Matsraym – and feared other mighty ones, 8and walked in the laws of the gentiles whom יהוה had dispossessed from before the Children of Yasharal, and of the Sovereigns of Yasharal that they had made. 9And the Children of Yasharal secretly did against יהוה their Alahym matters that were not right, and they built for themselves high places in all their cities, from watchtower unto the walled city, 10and set up for themselves pillars and Asherim on every high hill and under every green tree, 11and burned incense there on all the high places, like the gentiles whom יהוה had removed from their presence. And they did evil matters to provoke Yahuah, 12and served the idols, of which יהוה had said to them, “Do not do this.” 13And יהוה warned Yasharal and Yahudah, through all of His prophets, and every seer, saying, “Turn back from your evil ways, and guard My commands and My laws, according to all the Torah which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by My servants the prophets.” 14But they did not listen and hardened their necks, like the necks of their fathers, who did not put their trust in יהוה their Alahym, 15and rejected His laws and His Covenant that He had made with their fathers, and His witnesses which He had witnessed against them, and went after worthlessness, and became worthless, and after the gentiles who were all around them, of whom יהוה had commanded them not to do like them. 16And they left all the commands of יהוה their Alahym, and made for themselves a moulded image, two calves, and made an Asherah and bowed themselves to all the host of the heavens, and served Ba‛al, 17and caused their sons and daughters to pass through the fire, and practiced divination and sorcery, and sold themselves to do evil in the eyes of יהוה, to provoke Him. 18So יהוה was very enraged with Yasharal, and removed them from His Presence – none was left but the Tribe of Yahudah alone. 19Yahudah, also, did not guard the commands of יהוה their Alahym, but walked in the laws of Yasharal which they made. 20And יהוה rejected all the seed of Yasharal, and afflicted them, and gave them into the hand of plunderers, until He had cast them out from His Presence."
-2 Kings 17:7-20
"6And יהוה said to me in the days of YashYahu the Sovereign,
“Have you seen what backsliding Yasharal has done? She has gone up on every high mountain and under every green tree, and there committed whoring.
7And after she had done all these, I said ‘Return to Me.’ But she did not return.
And her treacherous sister Yahudah saw it. 8And I saw that for all the causes for which backsliding Yasharal had committed adultery, I had put her away and given her a certificate of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Yahudah did not fear, but went and committed whoring too. 9And it came to be, through her frivolous whoring,
that she defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and wood.
10And yet for all this her treacherous sister Yahudah has not turned to Me with all her heart, but falsely,” declares Yahuah. 11And יהוה said to me, “Backsliding Yasharal has shown herself more righteous than treacherous Yahudah. 12Go and Proclaim these Words toward the north, and say, ‘Return, O backsliding Yasharal,’ declares יהוה, ‘I shall not look on you in displeasure, for I am kind,’ declares יהוה, ‘and I do not bear a grudge forever.
13Only, acknowledge your crookedness, because you have transgressed against יהוה your Alahym, and have scattered your ways to strangers under every green tree,
and you have not obeyed My voice,’ declares יהוה."
-YarmYahu/Jeremiah 3:6-13
"17Do you not see what they are doing in the cities of Yahudah and in the streets of Yarushalam? 18The children are gathering wood, the fathers are lighting the fire, and the women are kneading their dough, to make cakes for the Queen of the Heavens, and to pour out drink offerings to other mighty ones, to provoke Me. 19“Is it Me they are provoking?” declares יהוה. “Is it not themselves – unto the shame of their own faces?” 20Therefore, thus said the Master יהוה, “See, My displeasure and My wrath is poured out on this place, on man and on beast, and on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground. And it shall burn and not be quenched.”
-YarmYahu/Jeremiah 7:17-20
“And יהוה shall smite Yasharal, as a reed is shaken in the water, and shall pluck Yasharal from this good soil which He gave to their fathers, and shall scatter them beyond the River,
because they made their Asharym Poles, provoking יהוה."
-1 Kings 14:15
"Hear the Word which יהוה speaks to you, O House of Yasharal. Thus said יהוה,
'Do not learn the way of the Gentiles, and do not be awed by the Signs of the Heavens,
for the Gentiles are awed by them. For the prescribed customs of these peoples are worthless, for one cuts a tree from the forest, work for the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. They adorn it with silver and gold, they fasten it with nails and hammers so that it does not topple. They are like a rounded post, and they do not speak.
They have to be carried, because they do not walk. Do not be afraid of them,
for they do no evil, nor is it in them to do any good.'”
-YarmYahu/Jeremiah 10:1-5
After the Northern Kingdom of Yasharal (9.5 Tribes of the 12) was released from Assyrian captivity and scattered for their rebellion, the Southern Kingdom was likewise judged and sent into slavery in Babylon as chastisement. However, unlike the Northern Kingdom, the Southern Kingdom was eventually brought back to the Promised Land upon a few small select's repentance and therefore a tiny remnant of the People returned to the Land so they may once again truly keep the commands of the Father through the Ordained Festivals outlined in Scripture. At that time, the King of Persia - instructed Haggai and ZakarYah (Zechariah) to build the Second Temple in accordance with Yahuah’s Will (Nehemiah 12:26-47, Ezra 6:1-18, 3 Ezra 7:1-9), complete with a Dedication Ceremony of its own. This account reminds us when His People choose to repent from practicing gentile customs and traditions and/or from worshipping other mighty ones, He is faithful to His Promise to "forgive and heal them, and their land (2 Chron. 7:14)".
However, much like their forefathers, the Southern Tribe (then considered the remnant Nation of Yasharal) once again began to lose the desire to remain "Set Apart" and to instead lust after the ill-gotten wealth, honor, customs, fashion, sports and entertainment of their Gentile neighbors. The corruption of the people's hearts ran so deeply, the men often made themselves uncircumcised just to fit in with the Seleucids around them, the Luym (Levite) Priests would shut down the Temple during the sacrificial Feast Days to instead join the local sports tournaments so the Hebrew people may pay homage to Greek gods instead. Therefore, the Father gave them over to their enemies once again - this time under the rule of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Antiochus initially invited the Hebrew people to join his Kingdom of the Seleucids to become "one nation", but upon their assimilation eventually forbid them all from observing any of the Festivals and commands of Scripture, forcing them to observe the gentile customs, festivals and laws or suffer the penalty of torture and death.
"But after the death of Seleucus, when Antiochus, called Epiphanes, took the kingdom, Yacon the brother of Onyahu labored underhand to be high priest, Promising unto the king by intercession three hundred and threescore talents of silver, and of another revenue eighty talents: Beside this, he promised to assign a hundred and fifty more, if he might have license to set him up a place for exercise, and for the training up of youth in the fashions of the heathen, and to write them of Yarushalam by the name of Antiochians. Which when the king had granted, and he had gotten into his hand the rule he forthwith brought his own nation to Grecian fashion. And the royal privileges granted of special favor to the Yahudym (Jews) by the means of Yahuchanan the father of Eupolemus, who went ambassador to Rome for amity and aid, he took away; and putting down the governments which were according to the Torah, he brought up new customs against the Torah: For he built gladly a place of exercise under the tower itself, and brought the chief young men under his subjection, and made them wear a hat. Now such was the height of Grecian fashions, and increase of heathenish manners, through the exceeding profaneness of Yacon, that wicked wretch, and no high priest; That the priests had no courage to serve anymore at the altar, but despising the Temple, and neglecting the sacrifices, hastened to be partakers of the Torahless allowance in the place of exercise, after the game of discus called them forth; Not setting by the honors of their fathers, but liking the glory of the Greeks best of all. By reason whereof sore calamity came upon them: for they had them to be their enemies and avengers, whose custom they followed so earnestly, and unto whom they desired to be like in all things. For it is not a light thing to do wickedly against the Torah of Alahym: but the time following shall declare these things."
-2 Maccabees 4:7-17
"Moreover King Antiochus wrote to his whole kingdom, that all should be one people, and everyone should leave his laws: so all the heathen agreed according to the commandment of the king. Yea, many also of Yasharal consented to his religion, and sacrificed unto idols, and profaned the Shabbath. For the king had sent letters by messengers unto Yarushalam and the cities of Yahud that they should follow the strange laws of the land, And forbid burnt offerings, and sacrifice, and drink offerings, in the Temple; and that they should profane the Shabbaths and Feast Days: And pollute the Sanctuary and Set Apart People: Set up altars, and Asharah Poles, and Chapels of Idols, and sacrifice swine's flesh, and unclean beasts: That they should also leave their children uncircumcised, and make their souls abominable with all manner of uncleanness and profanation: To the end they might forget the Torah, and change all the Ordinances. And whosoever would not do according to the commandment of the king, he said, he should die. In the selfsame manner wrote he to his whole kingdom, and appointed overseers over all the people, commanding the cities of Yahud to sacrifice, city by city. Then many of the people were gathered unto them, to wit everyone that forsook the Torah; and so they committed evils in the land."
-1 Maccabees 1:41-52
Throughout 1-4 Maccabees, most of Yasharal cowered to Antiochus to avoid martyrdom. But much like in the day of the First Exodus and the time of the diaspora of the Southern Tribe in Babylon, a small remnant continually refused to bow the knee to paganism and the Hebrew People were encouraged through the valiant dedication of the family of the Faithful, and those of the family of the Maccabees to stand up and fight for their freedom to observe the commanded festivals and laws of Scripture. In a strange turn of events, Yahudah (Judas) called "Maccabee" (The Hammer), was chosen by Yah to lead His People into battle after battle of unimaginable odds, ever successfully. However, Yahudah's supernatural ability to withstand hordes of enemies who sought to completely destroy the remnant of the Hebrew people and culture was not due to secret special coverings like those stolen by Nimrud, or even his favored Levitical genetic bloodline, or even his cunning war skills, but the divine providence of the Creator's grace on full display. In fact, the Hebrews continually prayed for the Father's grace and mercy to supernaturally protect them prior to many of their battles, and diligently searched the torah for guidance on how to properly walk in Faith and engage their enemies. For this, the Father blessed their humility 0ver and over. Thus, Yahudah became a world renowned military leader even among the gentiles he fought, while the people realized the favor of Yah rested on him and his armies due to his zeal for obedience towards the Commands of Scripture.
Where Nimrud became infamous for his rebellion,
Yahudah became famous for his faithfulness.
However, much like the two men condemned for offering "strange fire" in the Tabernacle, and the 3000 who fell in the wilderness, two other Hebrew men saw the respect Yahudah Maccabee received throughout the land for his many victories, and desiring personal glory and honor for themselves, decided to separately lead a small band to battle but were left defeated instead (1 Macc. 5:56). The passage points out their defeat was not due to the size of their enemies, or the strength of their foes, but due to their unrighteous desire for personal glory as opposed to fighting for the righteous desire of the glory of the Father to be displayed through them so they may worship Him in the Way He prescribed once more (as was the way of the Maccabees). While Yahudah and his brethren traveled throughout the land conquering their oppressors, they also went about cleansing the land of the idols and pagan altars. However, many Levite Priests sadly found themselves ensnared with the same fleshly desire of Yusaph and AzarYah, desiring to be recognized as "heroes" among men, continually falling in battle as Yah realizing their hearts were not focused on His glory, but seeking their own (1 Maccabees 5:67). So, although they seemingly desired to do "good" by fighting for the freedom from those who sought to destroy them so they may honor the Heavenly Father, it was ultimately their own flesh which stood as the largest threat to their souls. By these specific examples, we find stark warnings against seeking pride and honor for our physical endurance, sports abilities, battle heroics, or even a "glorious" death by martyrdom. He only desires for His People to glorify Him whether they live or die, or in whatever they do (1 Corin. 10:31, Php. 1:20-21).
Once the Father allowed the remaining Hebrews to finally overthrow their oppressors, they removed the idols from the Temple, cleansed the Temple and altar of unclean things and Rededicated the Temple back to honoring Yahuah. The Rededication Festival (Chanukah) was then celebrated as an 8 day feast beginning on the 25th Day of the 9th Hebrew Month in direct defiance against Antiochus desecrating the Temple when he set up an "abomination of desolation" in the Temple when he commanded an unclean pig to be sacrificed on the altar to Jupiter (Zeus), and by forcing the Hebrews to observe the Grecian custom of celebrating the king's birthday on 25th of the same month (2 Macc 6:1-7, 1 Macc. 5:54). The Scriptures explain the Spirit inspired them to command this festival to be observed every year in memorial of the grave dangers of falling into the patterns of the world, and the mighty blessings that come from obeying the Father's Will in our lives (1 Macc. 1:59, 2 Macc. 10:5-6).
However, the pagan customs of feasting and revelry during the evergreen winter solstice birthday celebrations of their rulers and solar deities did not die with the Antiochians. They continued to be celebrated throughout the world, especially throughout Roman lands as they rose into power during the time of the Maccabees. However, by the time of the Messiah's ministry, we do not find him, his family or His disciples following this practice in light of His Own truly miraculous birth. In contrary, the Book of Yahuchanan (John) recounts the Messiah observing the Hebrew Festival of Dedication when the local Romans would have been honoring the winter solstice birthday celebrations of their god "Saturn":
"22At that time the Chanukah came to be in Yarushalam, and it was winter. 23And Yahusha was walking in the Set Apart Place (Temple), in the porch of Shelomoh (Solomon). 24So the Yahudym (Jews) surrounded Him and said to Him, “How long do You keep us in suspense? If You are the Messiah, say to us plainly.” 25Yahusha answered them, “I have told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father’s Name, they bear witness concerning Me. 26But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. 27My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
-Yahuchanan/John 10:22-27
Throughout the Book of Acts and Paul's Letters, we see the Messiah's appointed Apostles encouraging the gentiles to likewise repent of their pagan customs, believe the Gospel and Worship Him The Way He commands (Acts 11:18 & 26:20, Gal. 3:28 & 4:9), including continuing the celebration of the Hebraic Festivals and Shabbats instead (Heb. 4:9, 1 Corin. 5:8 & 11:24).
But their dedication to observing the commands soon resulted in Believers being persecuted harshly by both Romans and the Yahudym (Jews), until tensions grew so tense the Roman Empire was nearly torn apart over theological differences by the end of the first century. Around 300 AD, Constantine rose into power finding his nation threatened by civil war. Instead of elevating one religion over the others, he instead found a way to reunite Rome into what would eventually become known as the "Roman Catholic Church", translated literally: the "Universal Roman Church", based on a hybrid religious reform. Instead of directly opposing all of the Hebrew customs like his predecessor Antiochus IV (who's plan ended in destruction), Constantine (recently "converted" to Faith in the Hebrew Messiah from the Roman religion of Sol Invictus although he simultaneously continued to also worship the sun while a "believer") rebranded many Roman traditions as "Christian" and only persecuted anyone who refused to compromise their pure religious Faith in Messiah in order to become "one people" (just as Antiochus once enforced upon his Seleucid Empire).
Therefore, many of the people of Yasharal found themselves celebrating Christmas (Saturnalia), Easter (Ishtar) and Mardi Gras (Festival of Bacchus) and honoring certain customs (birthday parties - Dec. 25th), rituals and rites once again. Whereas, the uncompromising Natsarym such as the Messiah's personal Apostles (Acts 25:5, Rev. 12:17) were forced to flee to safety to the mountains or dreadfully suffer arrest and martyrdom. However, once the multitude of the Faithful were hunted down and their plethora of reliable copies of Scripture burned, synchronization flourished in the wake of the Roman State's decline. Whereas, the Roman Catholic Church continued to grow evermore powerful and influential by enforcing their ideology during the long duration of the "Dark Ages" (when Scripture was generally unavailable to the common man).
By that time, most Believers were uninformed about the true Hebraic Faith. Instead Catholic priests and bishops taught salvation came through practicing the same festivals, rituals and rites "the church" inherited from the bygone eras of Babylon, Egypt, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. Those who rejected this ideology were often martyred and labeled heretics. However, just as a Remnant existed throughout the times of the Kings, Maccabean Revolt, and First Century, so a Remnant remained Faithful to the true gospel of the New Covenant throughout the Dark Ages. Although many contend all those who broke away from the "unified church" system were "heretics", many Believers such as those of the Separatists and Puritans avoided persecution from both Rome and England by fleeing to Holland and the New World (North America) in order do their best to get back to honoring the Father in "Spirit and in Truth".
Therefore, while many Believers unironically currently find themselves wrestling with which festivals to keep in the current generation - the Gentile holidays or Hebrew Set Apart Assemblies - the Scriptures reveal the Father's desire is and always has been for His People to continue to follow the Patriarchs', Messiah's, and Apostles' righteous examples in submitting to the Hebrew customs, while forsaking the customs of the gentiles. However, He expects few to ever make such a difficult choice, to truly dedicate themselves to following the Messiah's footsteps. As the "Narrow Way" is "hard-pressed" and "few find it". Much like the few faithful Levites in the Wilderness, the small faithful family of the Maccabees in the day of Seleucid oppression, and the Messiah's loyal Apostles of first century Rome, instead of following the world's ways, He expects only a small Remnant to truly seek Him with "all their heart, soul and strength," by searching the prophecies and Instructions in Scripture (Acts 17:11) and praying for His Set Apart Spirit to lead us and guide us (Yaacub/James 1:5, Yahu./John. 16:8-11), as opposed to following what our hearts feel is "right" (Yarm./Jer. 17:9-10), or what is currently popular in the world around us (2 Corin. 5:7, Rom. 12:2):
"14But you, stay in what you have learned and trusted, having known from whom
you have learned, 15and that from a babe you have known the Set Apart Scriptures,
which are able to make you Wise for Deliverance through Belief in Messiah יהושע.
16All Scripture is breathed by Alahym and profitable for teaching,
for reproof, for setting straight, for Instruction (torah) in Righteousness,
17that the man of Alahym might be fitted, equipped for every good work."
-2 Timothy 3:14-17
"1I call upon you, therefore, brothers, through the compassion of Alahym, to present your bodies a living offering – Set Apart, well-pleasing to Alahym – your reasonable worship. 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you prove what is that good and well-pleasing and perfect desire of Alahym."
-Romans 12:1-2
Although many realize the First Covenant Age Scriptures include commands to observe festivals such as the Weekly Sabbath, New Moon Festivals, Passover, First Fruits, Unleavened Bread, the Feasts of Weeks, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Tabernacles, some Messianics and modern Protestants have come to believe other festivals such as Purim, Chanukah and Nicanor are not Hebrew festivals, but unnecessary "Jewish traditions". However, the more ancient canons reveal this not to be the case. As we know, the Word states there is one law for the "Jew and the Gentile" (Exo. 12:29) who desire to draw near to Alahym, and in Messiah there is no longer "Jew or Gentile" (Gal. 3:27-28) as we are one set apart nation (1 Peter 2). As we read in 1-4 Maccabees, it becomes quite clear the Festival of Dedication is a commanded feast for the Remnant of Yasharal in light of the harsh reminder of what happens when His Set Apart Nation forsakes righteousness for wicked worldliness.
This Festival still holds great significance for our generation as the Word says the "love of many will grow cold (MathathYahu/Mattew 24:12) in the latter days, while Revelation 1-3 outlines grave warnings to the Body of Messiah's many failures as relative to the seven major sects of Christianity (Rev. 1:4 & 12, 20-2:1, Exo. 25:37, Zach. 4). Throughout the passage in Revelation, we find the Messiah Himself rebukes His Body for adopting gentile customs, consuming unclean animals, practicing witchcraft, setting up idols and offering food to false deities, upholding unrighteous hierarchical systems within the church (doctrine of the Nicolatians), and other such "abominable" practices which the Festival of Dedication reminds us to avoid, just as those who withstood Antiochus once did. While the Heavenly Father no longer requires physically destroying the idols and sinners out of the Promised Land (or in whatever gentile land we have been scattered), and to rather show patience as we live our lives before them befitting of the Kingdom, it does command for His People to respect those in power, leadership and authority although they may not always obey His Commands. However, regardless of the current wordly authorities, we are forever expected to ultimately obey Alahym rather than those who would require from us Scriptural disobedience and revelry (Romans 13 & Acts 5:24-32).
Furthermore, the story of the Hebrews in the days of the Seleucid Empire mirrors the prophetic events described to take place throughout the Great Tribulation quite well (which you can learn more about here). As the Messiah said, one of the greatest signs of that "great and terrible day" is the "abomination of desolation" set up in the "Set Apart Place" also warned about in the Book of Danyal (Daniel) is only throughly described in the Books of the Maccabees.
As we see, instead of incorporating pagan customs into the Hebrew festivals, worshipping the Father through gentiles customs, or celebrating Messiah through pagan traditions, even the New Testament Apostles show by their own example (Acts 2:1, Acts 17:2, Acts 13:42) and encouragement to both Hebrew and Gentile Believers to follow their example (as they followed the Messiah's) by continuing to observe the Hebrew Festivals (1 Corin. 11:1). Yes, in light of Messiah's final sacrifice on the cross, but also by letting go of the unclean traditions often incorporated into them, to instead observe them in true righteousness:
"7Therefore cleanse out the old leaven, so that you are a new lump, as you are unleavened. For also Messiah our Passover was offered for us. 8So then let us observe the festival,
not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of evil and wickedness,
but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth."
-1 Corinthians 5:8
"14“Therefore see, the days are coming,” declares יהוה, “when it is no longer said, ‘יהוה lives who brought up the children of Yasharal from the land of Matsraym (Egypt),’ 15but, ‘יהוה lives who brought up the children of Yasharal from the land of the north and from all the lands where He had driven them.’ For I shall bring them back into their land I gave to their fathers. 16“See, I am sending for many fishermen,” declares יהוה, “and they shall fish them. And after that I shall send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain and every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks. 17For My eyes are on all their ways; they have not been hidden from My face, nor has their crookedness been hidden from My eyes. 18And first I shall repay double for their crookedness and their sin, because they have defiled My land with the dead bodies of their disgusting matters, and have filled My inheritance with their abominations.” 19O יהוה, my strength and my stronghold and my refuge, in the Day of Tribulation the gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, “Our fathers have inherited only falsehood, futility, and there is no value in them.” 20Would a man make mighty ones for himself, which are not mighty ones? 21“Therefore see, I am causing them to know, this time I cause them to know My hand and My might. And they shall know that My Name is יהוה!”
-YarmYahu/Jeremiah 16:14-21
Because although there is certainly grace for our ignorance, and for that which was hidden from generations of old, He calls us to repentance from sin as we learn the Truth regarding the unrighteous origins of many modern Christian traditions we have inherited from our forefathers, because He plans to judge us by the example of the Messiah (who also observed Chanukah in lieu of his own "redeemed" Saturnalia "birthday party"):
"23Let us hold fast the confession of our expectation without yielding, for He Who Promised is trustworthy. 24And let us be concerned for one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25not forsaking the Assembling of ourselves together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging, and so much more as you see the Day coming near."
-Hebrews 10:23-25
23“For passing through and observing the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: 'TO THE UNKNOWN MIGHTY ONE'. Not knowing then whom you worship, I make Him known to you: 24“Yahuah, Who made the world and all that is in it, this One being Master of heaven and earth, does not dwell in dwellings made with hands. 25Nor is He served with men’s hands – as if needing any – Himself giving to all life, and breath, and all else. 26And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, having Ordained beforehand the times and the boundaries of their dwelling, 27to seek the Master, if at least they would reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. 28For in Him we live and move and are, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’ 29Now then, since we are the offspring of Alahym, we should not think that Alahym is like gold or silver or stone, an image made by the skill and thought of man. 30Truly, then, having overlooked these times of ignorance, Alahym now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31because He has set a day on which He is going to judge the world in righteousness by a Man Whom He has appointed, having given proof of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”
-Acts 17:23-31
We find this very guidance outlined in Acts as a conviction to those Roman gentiles who continued the age old traditions borrowed from the very first days of mankind in Babylon as they passed through the ages. At that time, Roman cities were rife with similar chapels of manmade idols in "temples" where they believed their deities lived and dwelled, often bringing them seasonal offerings of food and baked goods, as if they could consume them though they were simply wood and stone and "bless" their devotion and veneration. These many unrighteous traditions continue in the Roman Catholic and many Protestant faiths today, although modern Roman Catholics do not worship the "King" and "Queen of Heaven" by the old familiar gentile names, the age old mystery religious rites and rituals remain alive through the practice of syncretism (the Belief in Messiah mixed with various facets of these gentile faiths).
"Who can make the clean out of the unclean? No one!"
-Yub/Job 14:4
"19What then do I say? That an idol is of any value? Or that which is offered to idols is of any value? 20No, but what the gentiles offer they offer to demons and not to Alahym, and I do not wish you to become sharers with demons. 21You are not able to drink the cup of the Master and the cup of demons, you are not able to partake of the table of the Master and of the table of demons. 22Do we provoke the Master to jealousy? Are we stronger than He?"
-1 Corinthians 10:19-22
For instance, we find the veneration of certain angels, saints and martyrs lining the walls of "church chapels", as Catholics are often encouraged to pray to specific individuals for various issues in their lives, much like the ancient mystery religion pantheons recognized certain "gods" or "goddesses" for those same issues. They also encourage veneration of Mary during a special "feast" to honor her as the eternal "Immaculate Virgin Queen of Heaven" by which they believe the "grace" of Messiah is made available to mankind - much like the stories of Isis and Hera. Then there are the "Christmas" evergreen trees constructed every December 25th, which "Santa Claus" is guided to by the bright lights decorating each home he judges has "nice children" so he may drop them presents using his chariot led by magical reindeer also used to "celebrate the Messiah's birth". Although, this is precisely the date which the Roman emperor Aurelian instituted the festival "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti" ('birthday of the Invincible Sun') in 274 CE, the date of the winter solstice on the Roman calendar, each year celebrated with thirty chariot races. Also, the exact same date Constantine in 336 AD later specifically chose to venerate as "the Messiah's birth," because at that time his Roman citizens still recognized it as "the rebirth of the Sol Invictus (Unconquered Sun)" immediately following Saturnalia, their festival of feasting and gift exchanges. However, we also know Hebrew people did not celebrate birthdays, as that custom was exclusively gentile in origin and practice. Even by that time, Hebrew people still considered it inherently sinful:
"The law does not permit us to make festivals at the births of our children,
and thereby afford occasion of drinking to excess."
-Josephus, Against Apion, II.26
In fact, we find zero evidence of righteous men or women observing birthday parties in Scripture. In fact, the only four times they are celebrated in all of Scripture, someone dies and they are always observed by the unrighteous/gentiles (Gen. 40:20, Mark 6:17, Yub/Job 1:4-7, 2 Macc. 6:7-9). In one instance, we find Job goes so far as to offer sacrifices for his children when they celebrate, he does not join in their feasting because he believes they have sinned in their adoption of such practice.
Still, we find Believers all over the world (and those who do not even believe in Messiah) decorating evergreen trees every year with gold and silver ornaments, sashes and ribbons much like the reliefs of ancient Babylon celebrating the Serpent coiled around the Tree of Knowledge as he offered them its deceptive fruit. But it is not just the "Universal Church" which carries on these gentile traditions, Roman Catholicism birthed a multitude of Protestant Sects which still honor various customs of the "mother church" and her gentile predecessors today. In fact, most of the customs we think of surrounding the "Christmas spirit" today originate in pagan practices of sun god worship of bygone generations such as the 12 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar, nativity displays, the child's idol of Santa Claus riding a magical sleigh to deliver gifts for milk and cookies, kissing under the mistletoe, eating ham, decorating with holly, burning yule logs, traveling door to door singing carols with cozy drinks and candle lights, etc. Though many believe their sincerity in observing these "benign" traditions brings glory to the Father, He has explained throughout His Word over and over how these borrowed customs are only received by Him as "strange fire" and "empty offerings", as He says He "prefers obedience rather than sacrifice" (1 Sam. 15:22):
"Stop bringing futile offerings, incense, it is an abomination to Me.
New Moons, Sabbaths, the calling of meetings –
I am unable to bear unrighteousness and assembly."
-YashaYahu/Isaiah 1:13
However, that is not to say that all traditions are inherently evil. There are many traditions which are not inspired by fallen angelic demons ruling the gentile cultures from which they are adopted. There are totally benign traditions acceptable by the Scriptures and confirmation of the Set Apart Spirit, which may not be absolutely necessary for salvation, and yet are good for the edification, unity and encouragement of the Body of Messiah unto pure righteousness (Rom 14:19, Php. 4:8-9). In fact, we find various traditions passed down through the ages which were never required by torah, and yet the Messiah and His Disciples honored them.
For instance, throughout the Synoptic Gospels we find an account of the Messiah consuming a glass of wine (traditionally drank by Jews during the Passover "Seder", but previous to Him elevating it to one of the two new passover instruments in honor of His shed blood, was not originally commanded by the Passover torah). In Acts 27, we see the Messiah praying before His meal, quite customary in the Jewish traditions of the day, whereas the Scriptures never actually commanded the Hebrew people to do so.
But how do we know which traditions are wicked and which are benign? Well, Scripture says Believers are sent the Set Apart Spirit to lead and guide us to full knowledge of the truth, and to provide conviction so we may walk out the Father's perfect Will in our lives. Therefore, we should ask for His Guidance to reveal anything we might be doing which does not truly please Him, and for The Comforter to provide us the strength and courage to let go of those habits when we are revealed them. We do know we are commanded not to adopt gentile customs in worship of Alahym (The Father, Son or His Set Apart Spirit), and never to "add or take away" from Scripture:
"Now will I point out a mystery: Many sinners shall turn and transgress against the Word of Uprightness. They shall speak evil things; they shall utter falsehood; and create a great creation; and compose books in their own words. But when they shall Write all My Words correctly in their own languages, they shall neither change nor diminish them; but shall Write them all correctly; all which from the first I have uttered concerning them. Another mystery also I point out. To the Righteous and the Wise shall be given Books of joy, of integrity, and of great Wisdom. To them shall Books be given, in which they shall Believe; And in which they shall rejoice. And all the Righteous shall be rewarded, who from these shall acquire the Knowledge of every Upright Path. In those days, says Yahuah, they shall call to the children of the earth, and make them listen to their Wisdom. Show them that you are their leaders; And that renumeration shall take place over the whole earth; for I and my Son will forever hold communion with them in the Paths of Uprightness, while they are still alive. Peace shall be yours. Rejoice, children of integrity, in the Truth."
-Chanak/Enoch 104:7-12
"1“Now at that time Myka'al shall stand up, the great head who is standing
over the sons of your people. And there shall be a Time of Distress,
such as never was since there was a nation, until that time.
And at that time your people shall be delivered,
every one who is found Written in the Book,
2and many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth wake up,
some to everlasting life, and some to reproaches, everlasting abhorrence.
3And those who have Insight shall shine like the brightness of the expanse,
and those who lead many to Righteousness like the stars forever and ever.
4But you, Danyal, hide the Words, and seal the Book until the time of the end.
Many shall diligently search and knowledge shall increase.”
-Danyal/Daniel 11:1-4
"2Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it,
so as to guard the commands of יהוה your Alahym which I am commanding you."
-Deuteronomy 4:2
"18For I witness to everyone hearing the Words of the Prophecy of this Book:
If anyone adds to them, Alahym shall add to him the plagues that are Written in this Book, 19and if anyone takes away from the words of the Book of this Prophecy,
Alahym shall take away his part from the Book of Life, and out of the Set Apart City,
which are Written in this Book."
-Revelation 22:18-19
Apart from what the Set Apart Spirit inspired all the Writer's of Scripture to outline as set apart feasts we should observe (2 Tim. 3:14-17), we do not have the authority to require others to observe man-made traditions, or to ignore the Scriptures which forbid adopting pagan rites and rituals. We must remember this is true not just of the First Covenant Age, but likewise the entire Assembly of Messiah as well. In fact, the Apostle Paul actually encourages Believers to observe all they even the righteous traditions they learned through their example, teaching and letters - as opposed to following the unclean traditions of the "lawless one" which Daniel speaks of concerning the "anti-christ" spirit that always comes to change the "the laws and appointed times" commanded by Alahym (Dan. 7:25).
"15So, then, brothers, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught,
whether by Word or by our Letter."
-2 Thessalonians 2:15
Paul knew the difficulty this charge posed, as he personally experienced deathly persecution throughout his ministry as he stood for the true interpretation of the Word. In fact, all of the Messiah's Apostles and many of the earliest believers stood as strong examples for the level of conviction and dedication Believers in Messiah are likewise called to. Just as in the days of "Antiochus Epiphanes", the Messiah's own Disciples were often martyred during devout periods of Inquisition for rejecting those same Roman traditions later adopted and required by the papacy's "Vicar of Christ" and the "Head of the Church" over the Protestants during the so-called "Dark Ages". Periods during which over 50 million faithful believers were martyred specifically for rejecting "Christmas traditions and the like". Although, a powerful little remnant survived as usual, fleeing to safety in more tolerant countries such as Germany and Holland. Although many of them eventually realized dwelling amongst so many carnal gentiles began to negatively impact their children's spiritual growth, therefore returned and fought for freedom from religious oppression. Later, some Puritans even went so far as to turn the tables and outlaw the practice of syncretism in their own jurisdictions, much like Yahudah Maccabee in the days he went about destroying the idols throughout the Land:
"After the Puritans in England overthrew King Charles I in 1649, among their first items of business after chopping off the monarch’s head was to ban Christmas. Parliament decreed that December 25 should instead be a day of “fasting and humiliation” for Englishmen to account for their sins. The Puritans of New England eventually followed the lead of those in old England, and in 1659 the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony made it a criminal offense to publicly celebrate the holiday and declared that “whosoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labor,
feasting, or any other way” was subject to a 5-shilling fine."
-The History Channel, "When Massachusettes Banned Christmas"
"Under England’s Puritan movement during the 1500s, many began to see the frivolous celebration of Christmas as a distraction from Christian beliefs and values—in fact, pamphleteer Philip Stubbs said that these celebrations were “the great dishonour of God.” A 1647 ordinance stated that feasts were to be banned[1] on Christmas, Easter, and Whitsun. The Christmas ban lasted until it was lifted during the Restoration in 1660."
-The HeinOnline Blog, et. Massachusetts – Acts & Resolves, January Session 57.
"The Massachusetts Bay Colony implemented their own Christmas ban in the 1650s.
Mainly consisting of Puritans, the colonists decided to ban any disorderly behavior that would be “to the great dishonour of God and offence of others” during this holiday,
at the risk of a five-shilling fine. While the ban was lifted in 1681,
Christmas wasn’t actually listed as a public holiday in Massachusetts until 1856."
-The HeinOnline blog, Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay (1814) & Massachusetts – Acts & Resolves, January Session 57
Therefore, since Chanukah represents following the Father's commands so we may "shine our light before men that they may glorify the Father in Heaven (MathathYahu/Matthew 5:16)," as the true Assembly is called to do, but Christmas is built on the adoption of gentile practices so we may better fit into the ways of the world, we encourage the Body of Messiah to dedicate ourselves to avoiding unclean traditions of both the Hebrew and Christian sects, instead becoming a true "light in the darkness" as the Assembly of Philadelphia so those who are "far off" might see The Way more clearly.