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The New Covenant

Writer's picture: Ashley BeverageAshley Beverage

Updated: Aug 19, 2024

“For this is My blood, that of the New Covenant,

which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

-Matthew 26:28

Understanding the Good News of the Messiah begins with recognizing what makes the news so benevolent in the first place. The key to understanding the Bashurah and applying it correctly in our daily life is actually taking a step back from hyperfocusing on the climax of the Story at the Cross, to instead reviewing the Whole of Scripture. We must recognize the Word as a Story which plays out over time and identifying where we fall within that timeline. Truly, the application of the Bashurah hinges on interpreting the New Covenant in its manifested form. If we do not understand why there had to be a New Covenant or what is both different and similar in the New Covenant from the First, we may miss the mark and land in a ditch too far left or too far right.

Enter in through the Narrow Gate! Because the gate is wide – and the way is broad – that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. Because the Gate is Narrow and the Way is hard pressed which leads to Life, and there are Few who find it."

-Matthew 7:13-14

Natsarym are called to walk that Narrow Path of Righteousness, and identifying the Path is a result of recognizing the true Bashurah! Shaul says if anyone comes teaching contrary to what was originally preached by the Messiah and original disciples, they are teaching another Gospel, accursed and unable to receive the Promises of Inheritance (Gal. 1:6-9, Gal. 4:30, 2 Corin. 11:4). Therefore, because the Message of the Messiah is indeed a stumbling block to both the Jew and Gentile (1 Corin. 1:23), and the Word is difficult to understand (Isa. 6:10, John 12:40, Eph. 4:18, 2 Corin. 4:4, Prov. 25:2, Luke 24:25, Matt. 16:17, 1 Corin. 2:10, Rev. 19:10), we must pay close attention to the very fine details in order to identify which Bashurah is true and which Gospels are counterfeit, not assuming the obvious but seeking out that which may be revealed to those Kings and Queens who seek Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.

“It is the glory of Alahym to hide a matter,

and the glory of Sovereigns to search out a matter.”

-Proverbs 25:2

The Set Apart Place

The Story of Scripture is best illustrated through the Temple. Hebrews 9 tells us this physical earthly Temple was the instructed Way of Worship under the First Covenant and a Way for Forgiveness of Sins through covering them (Lev. 4:20). Although, this earthly Temple was simply a copy of the Heavenly Temple (Heb. 8:5). Since man was separated from Alahym, this place served as a House for the Set Apart Spirit to come down as an Ambassador before Yasharal. The Book of Enoch elaborates on the Heavenly Temple mentioned throughout the New Covenant letters wherein dwells the Father’s physical Person seated upon His Throne of Glory (Enoch 14 & 70). Just as the Heavenly Temple is described in Enoch, the earthly Temple also had three parts which included: the Inner Sanctuary, the Outer Sanctuary and the Courtyard each separated by Veils, Doors, Gates and Walls. Throughout the Word, we learn each earthly copy is symbolic of the corresponding Heavenly component teaching very significant spiritual concepts Yasharal must internalize to walk in right relationship with the Father.

The innermost room known as haQadash (the Most Set Apart Place/"Holy of Holies") was the most sacred area of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and Temple in Yarushalam. This inner room contained the Ark of the Covenant covered by the Lid of Atonement, which held the Golden Pot of Manna, Aharun's Rod that Budded and the Sapphire Tablets of the Covenant. Above the Ark were the Karubym of Glory overshadowing the Mercy Seat (Heb. 9:4-5). The Mercy Seat is where the Set Apart Spirit of the Father would come down to dwell in a cloud as if seated on a throne (Levi. 16). This inner room was separated from the rest of the Temple by a Great Veil, a huge heavy drape made of fine linen of blue, purple and scarlet yarn embroidered with gold karubym (Exo. 26).

This Veil led into the Set Apart Place wherein was first the Altar of Incense with four horns, then the Golden Lampstand, and lastly the Table of the Presence, where 12 Loaves were placed each Sabbath along with salt and frankincense (Heb. 9:2). This room was only accessible to the Luym Priests as designated in their weekly courses, upon completing the rituals of washing in clean water and dawning clean robes (in a state of ritual purity) in order to perform the rites associated with the manurah, showbread and incense. The Set Apart Place was protected from the outside by a Second Veil and two massive Doors which required very many priests to open. These doors served to separate the commonwealth of Yasharal from entering less they be condemned (Num. 21-22), which was the only way into the Temple itself. Through these Doors was found the Courtyard surrounded by Walls and Gates leading into the Temple Complex. In the Tabernacle of the Wilderness, any Yasharly could enter into the Courtyard, but only the Priests could enter into the Tabernacle.

During the time of the Second Temple, the Courtyard included four separate sections each divided by inner Walls and Gates to which only certain parties were privileged to enter, each section considered less qadash than the former. Nearest the Temple itself was the Court of the Priests, wherein existed the Bronze Basin of Water made from the Mirrors of the Women for the Priests’ Washing and then the Bronze Altar of Sacrifice with four horns where the offerings were burned or consumed by the Priests. Yasharlym were only authorized to enter in order to bring their offerings to the Luym. Next was the Court of Yasharal, where common Yasharaly men in a state of ritual purity would commune for civic affairs and worship. Third was the Court of the Women, where ritually pure Women of Yasharal could also gather. Lastly was the largest area of them all, the Outer Courtyard called the “Court of the Gentiles”. This area was available to anyone, Jew or Gentile, male or female, clean or unclean and considered the least qadash. The Outer Court was divided from the rest of the Inner Temple Complex by a wall called the “soreg”, accompanied by stones engraved with warnings stating any Gentile who entered the Inner Courts would be killed. Connected to this dividing wall were special chambers for Temple use and storage. Inside the courtyard was the marketplace where money-changers exchanged foreign currency for set apart money to be traded for Temple use, and thus where the vendors brought in various goods, souvenirs, food and even sacrificial animals for purchase.

Soreg Wall Greek & Latin inscription reads:

"No stranger is to enter within the balustrade around the temple and enclosure.

Whoever is caught will be responsible for his own death.

With each of these sections of the Temple Complex all carefully separated by various Walls, Gates, Doors and Veils from the next--We can see why the High Priest was the only one authorized to enter the Most Set Apart Place on the Day of Atonement. Each year on Yum Kappurym, he would enter into the Veil to offer the Blood of the Sacrifice for his own sins and then again for that of the people of Yasharal. Even before the High Priest entered the Most Set Apart Place, he also had to wash himself, put on special clothing, bring burning incense to let the smoke cover his eyes from a direct view of the Spirit of Alahym. If anyone were to enter this room without meeting these explicit conditions, they would have immediately perished, because in their fallen state could not withstand the overwhelming Presence of the Spirit (Exo. 28; Levi. 16, Heb. 9:7).

Miracles of the Hakal

However, the prestigious sanctity of the Temple and Priesthood seemed to fade during the first century when these very rituals and ordinances seemed to be challenged by supernatural powers. At every turn, the rules appeared to be of no consequence as miraculous events continued to unfold until the temple was ultimately destroyed in 70 CE. Regardless of the diligence of the priests, their efforts were continuously thwarted and described in depth by many historians and Unbelieving Jews. Often these descriptions were accompanied with the prevailing theories as for their symbolism.

"40 years before the destruction of the Temple, the western light went out,

the crimson thread remained crimson, and the lot for ADONAI always came up in the left hand. They would close the gates of the Temple by night and get up in the morning and find them wide open."-Jacob Neusner, The Yerushalmi, p.156-157.

A similar passage in the Babylonian Talmud states:

"Our rabbis taught: During the last 40 years before the destruction of the Temple the lot ['For ADONAI'] did not come up in the right hand; nor did the crimson-colored strap become white; nor did the western most light shine; and the doors of the Hakal [Temple] would open by themselves"-Soncino version, Yoma 39b.

These events discussed in the Jewish Talmud may be of no consequence to an audience uninformed of the traditions and turah practiced in the first century, but when compared against the backdrop of Scripture, their miraculous implications become more apparent to Believers in our day.

Casting the Lots

"The lot is cast into the lap, but every decision by it is from Yahuah."

-Proverbs 16:33

One of these miracles mentioned refers to the random "casting the lots", which was required on the Day of Atonement (Yum Kappurym) to determine which of two identical goats would be "allocated for Yahuah" and which would be "Azazal, the scapegoat." The blood of the goat for Yahuah would purify the people, whereas the second goat was not sacrificed, but presented alive before Yahuah. The High Priest would lay his hands on the goat’s head, confess all of Yasharal's sins, and transfer them to the goat’s head to bear all of Yasharal's sins on itself, then the goat was led into the desert—away from the Presence of Yahuah—and released (Lev. 16:21, 22). Symbolically, the Azazal goat carried the sins away from the camp "outside the city" of Yasharal into the wilderness.

The High Priest would put his right hand into a box containing two stones (one white and one black) and without looking, select a stone with his right hand and place it over the right hand goat. If the white stone was randomly selected, then the people would receive this as a sign they were accepted before Alahym in Righteousness. However, if the black stone came up, they believed this signified their warning to actively seek repentance or suffer the impending consequences. According to these historical references, during the 200 years prior to 30 CE, the priest would cast a black stone as often as a white stone. Although beginning in 30 CE, the High Priest always drew a black stone for 40 years in a row!

This was regarded not only a sign of their call to repentance, but revealed something fundamentally changed in their observance of Yum Kappurym. This Casting of the Lots was also accompanied by another miracle for what can only be described as Sins of Scarlet.

Sins of Scarlet

According to the Jews, a tradition arose in Yasharal to tie a scarlet thread where it could be observed at the start of the Day of Atonement (representing their sins requiring cleansing by blood sacrifice). Upon completion of the service the thread would change in color from scarlet to white. This miraculous change would witness to all Yasharal their sins were forgiven. This was supposedly the case for many years. However, for the last 40 years before the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, they claimed the strand never again turned white-Signifying to the Jews their sins were no longer forgiven. These stories are taught in Judaism as historical events throughout the Talmud:

"And it has further been taught: 'For 40 years before the destruction of the Temple

the thread of scarlet never turned white but it remained red.'"

-Rosh HaShanah 31b, Babylonian Talmud, Soncino Press Edition

"R. Nahman b. Isaac said it was the tongue of scarlet, as it has been taught:

‘Originally they used to fasten the thread of scarlet on the door of the [Temple] court on the outside. If it turned white the people used to rejoice, and if it did not turn white they were sad. They therefore made a rule that it should be fastened to the door of the court on the inside. People, however, still peeped in and saw, and if it turned white they rejoiced and if it did not turn white they were sad. They therefore made a rule that half of it should be fastened to the rock and half between the horns of the goat that was sent [to the wilderness].'"

-Mas. Rosh HaShana 31b

"People from among the prominent residents of Jerusalem would escort the one leading the goat until they reached the first booth. Booths were set up along the path to the wilderness to provide the escort a place to rest. There were ten booths from Jerusalem to the cliff, with a distance of ninety ris between them. As there are seven and a half ris for each mil, the total distance was twelve mil. At each and every booth, people there say to him: Here is food; here is water, if you need it. And they escort him from booth to booth, except for the last person at the last booth, who does not reach the cliff with him. Rather, he stands from a distance and observes his actions to ensure that he fulfills the mitzva properly.

What did the one designated to dispatch the goat do there? He divided a strip of crimson into two parts, half of the strip tied to the rock, and half of it tied between the two horns of the goat. And he pushed the goat backward, and it rolls and descends. And it would not reach halfway down the mountain until it was torn limb from limb. The one designated to dispatch the goat came and sat under the roofing of last booth until it grows dark and only then went home. And from what point are the garments of the man rendered impure, as it is stated that he is impure and his clothes requires immersion? From the moment he emerges outside the wall of Jerusalem. Rabbi Shimon says: His clothes are rendered impure only from the moment that he pushes the goat from the cliff." -Yoma 67a, The William Davidson Talmud

Strange that this would be the case, as we know YashaYahu prophesied the exact opposite:

“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;

though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”-Isaiah 1:18

The Extinguished Manurah

Also mentioned in the Talmud, is the Extinguished Manurah. In this case, we are told in the Talmud that at dusk the temple lamps that were unlit in the daytime were to be reignited from the flames of the western lamp (which remained lit continually). However, every night for 40 years the western lamp was supernaturally extinguished in spite of the priests preparing the western lamp so that it would remain burning all night. Considering the Manurah Light of the Temple represented the Presence of the Father, its constant darkness was received as yet another sign the Father did not receive His People's offerings during that difficult period.

"In fact, we are told in the Talmud that at dusk the lamps that were unlit in the daytime (the middle four lamps remained unlit, while the two eastern lamps normally stayed lit during the day) were to be re-lit from the flames of the western lamp (which was a lamp that was supposed to stay lit all the time it was like the 'eternal' flame that we see today in some national monuments)...

"This 'western lamp' was to be kept lit at all times. For that reason, the priests kept extra reservoirs of olive oil and other implements in ready supply to make sure that the 'western lamp' (under all circumstances) would stay lit. But what happened in the 40 years from the very year Messiah said the physical Temple would be destroyed? Every night for 40 years the western lamp went out, and this in spite of the priests each evening preparing in a special way the western lamp so that it would remain constantly burning all night!"

-The Significance of the Year CE 30, Ernest Martin, Research Update, April 1994, p.4.

This constant darkness is evocative of a grave warning to the Assemblies which reveal the symbolism:

“So remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the first works, or else I shall come to you speedily and remove your Lampstand from its place, unless you repent."-Revelation 2:5

Open Doors

The Jews also claim 40 years before the destruction of the Temple, the massive Doors of the Temple and the Eastern Gate would actually open all by themselves each night from about the 6th hour! This is quite odd considering the Doors, Gates and Veils were barriers to protect the sanctity of the Temple.

From the Jerusalem Talmud:

“40 years before the destruction of the Temple... they would close the gates of the Temple by night and get up in the morning and find them wide open.”

-Jacob Neusner, The Yerushalmi, p.156-157

From the Babylonian Talmud:

“Our rabbis taught: During the last 40 years before the destruction of the Temple …. the doors of the Hekel [Temple] would open by themselves.”-Soncino version, Yoma 39b

"The doors of the heikhal (the Holy Place of the Temple) opened of their own accord,

until Rabbi Yochanon ben Zakkai rebuked them. He said to it [the Temple]:

‘O heikhal, heikhal, why do you alarm yourself? I know full well that you are destined to be destroyed, for Zechariah ben Iddo has already prophesied concerning you ‘Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour the cedars’ (Zech. 11:1).’"-Talmud Bavli, Yoma 39b

And these stories are even corroborated by Flavius Josephus as historical fact:

“At the same festival (Passover)… the Eastern gate of the inner court of the Temple, which was of brass, and vastly heavy, and had been with difficulty shut by twenty men, and rested upon a base armored with iron, and had bolts fastened very deep into the firm floor, which was there made of one entire stone, was seen to be opened of its own accord about the 6th hour of the night.”-Josephus, The Wars of the Jews 6.5.3

However frustrating as these events must have been for the Yahudym and Luym Priests trying to observe the turah, they are actually spoken of inspiringly by YashaYahu and Yahuchanan the Revelator:

“And your Gates shall be open continually, they are not shut day or night,

to bring to You the Wealth of the Gentiles, and their Sovereigns in procession."

-Isaiah 60:11

"And the Gentiles (of those who are saved) shall walk in its Light,

and the Sovereigns of the earth bring Their Esteem into it.

And its Gates shall not be shut at all by day, for night shall not be there.

And they shall bring the Esteem and the Appreciation of the Gentiles into it.”

-Revelation 21:24-26

These Scriptures invoke imagery of Gentile Believers crowned in Royal Glory authorized to walk right into the Set Apart Place to meet Yah! However, we know according to the First Covenant this was impossible. Yet, this spiritual authority seems to be made manifest through the witness of these recorded supernatural events.

Although why? What changed? We are told the point of the Temple, Priesthood and Sacrificial System was to provide a way for sins to be forgiven and acceptable worship to be offered for those who desired Covenant relationship with the Father throughout the Turah and Prophets! Then for these supernatural events to have occurred as recorded by the Jews themselves, there seems to have been a massive shift in the Father’s perspective of the use of His Own Temple by that time! Although blinded from seeing the implications by their Unbelief, their own records show:

  1. Although the Yahudym and Luym continued to try to honor the Father by obeying the turah in keeping the sacrifices, their offerings were no longer acceptable and their guilt remained as evidenced by the scarlet strand and the black stone of the Lots.

  2. Although they tried to keep the Manurah burning all night, the Father's own breath (Ruach) continued to blow it out, signifying His Set Apart Spirit was no longer bound within a Temple made by hands.

  3. Although they tried to keep the Doors and Gates to the Set Apart Temple closed to prevent the Gentiles from coming in and polluting it, they flung themselves open as if inviting them in!

  4. If the Messiah is said to have been 33 years old upon His Death, and because of the celestial events is said to have been born in 3 BC, also said to have been crucified in 30 AD, then most likely the year He died was the last year the Yahudym were able to observe the Sacrificial System, Temple and Priestly laws in order to be acceptable before the Father!

3 BC + 30 AD = 33 years old

33 years old + 40 years = 70 AD

70 AD = the year of the Temple’s destruction

Regardless of the exact dating, these supernatural events are not meaningless. Nor are they random. They manifested during a particular point in the timeline of Yasharal and must be evaluated under careful consideration. These events began upon the resurrection of the Messiah; no wonder His chilling comment seemed to challenge their understanding of the Way into the Set Apart Place.

“I am the Door: whoever enters through Me, he shall be saved,

and shall go in and shall go out and find pasture.”-John 10:9

Tacitus a Roman Historian also recorded a similar event in 66 A.D., just prior to the literal destruction of the Temple of Yarushalam:

“Contending hosts were seen meeting in the skies, arms flashed, and suddenly the Temple was illumined with fire from the clouds. Of a sudden the doors of the shrine opened and a superhuman voice cried: "The gods are departing":

at the same moment the mighty stir of their going was heard.”

-Tacitus, Histories 5.13.43

This event was also mentioned in the Midrash Rabbah by a Jewish rabbi named Jonathan, an eyewitness to the destruction of Yarushalam, said that the “Shechinah” or Set Apart Spirit of Yahuah departed from the Temple and for three and a half years stood on the Mount of Olives:

Three and a half years the Shechinah abode on the Mount of Olives hoping that Israel would repent, but they did not; while a Bath Kol [the voice of God] issued announcing, ‘Return, O backsliding children [Jer. 3:14]. Return unto Me, and I will return unto you [Mal. 3:7],’ When they did not repent, it said, ‘I will return to my place [Hosea 5:15]’”

-Midrash Rabbah, Lamentations Proems 25

The church historian Eusebius also mentioned the fact that the Shechinah left the Temple and settled on the Mount of Olives:

“Believers in Christ congregate from all parts of the world, not as of old time because of the glory of Jerusalem, nor that they may worship in the ancient Temple at Jerusalem, but . . . that they may worship at the Mount of Olives opposite to the city, whither the glory of the LORD [the Shechinah] migrated when it left the former city.”

-Eusebius, Proof of the Gospel 6.18

A Change of Law & Priesthood

“Do not think that I came to destroy the Turah or the Prophets.

I did not come to destroy but to fulfill (plerosai).

For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away,

one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Turah

till all be accomplished (ginomai)."

-Matthew 5:17-18

When reading this verse, many glaze right over a crucial detail only hyper-focusing on “...the heaven and earth pass away”. This hyper-fixation produces imagery in the mind of the destruction of both the celestial bodies’ and earth itself. Many even move to say this will never happen, therefore “a single jot or tittle can never change from the turah”, or at the very least, “until the New Heaven and Earth” is made manifest. However, this assumed imagery is inconsistent with the Whole of Scripture. “till all be accomplished” here is indeed a conditional release.

Not only does the Word prophesy the Laws of the Luminaries (which are found in Enoch Chapters 71-82) would change and eventually be utterly destroyed (Enoch 80:6, Isaiah 51:6, Matt. 24:29, 2 Peter 3:10, Hebrews 12), but we also see examples of the celestial bodies changing their course in the times of Joshua and Hezekiah.

And yet we read a similar decree as that of Yahusha in YarmYahu 33. Although, again a conditional release rests contingent upon the Laws of the Luminaries bringing Day and Night at their appropriate times. This passage expresses unless these are broken, to the Sons of Daud would belong the Authority to Rule all of Yasharal as would the service of the Priesthood and required Offerings to the Sons of Luy:

“Thus said Yahuah, ‘If My Covenant is not with Day and Night,

and if I have not Appointed the Laws of the Heavens and Earth,

then I would also reject the descendants of Ya‛aqub and Daud, My servant,

so that I should not take of his descendants to be

Rulers over the descendants of Abraham, Yatschaq, and Ya‛aqub.

For I shall turn back their captivity, and have Compassion on them.’”

-Jeremiah 33:25-26

However, this entire passage (Jere. 33:14-26) is not actually found in the oldest manuscripts, and therefore must have been added by the Masoretes to assert their doctrinal dominance. Regardless, the sentiment is still echoed in Jeremiah 31:35-36, however the emphasis is once again placed on the Contingency of the Laws of the Luminaries performing precisely as He Instructed:

"35(38:35) Thus says Yahuah, ho gives the sun for a light by day, the moon and the stars for a light by night, and makes a roaring in the sea, so that the waves thereof roar; Yahuah of Hosts is His Name: 36(38:36) if these Ordinances cease from before me, says Yahuah, then shall the family of Yasharal cease to be a nation before me forever."

-Jeremiah 31:35-36

Nevertheless, riddled throughout the New Testament are also references of acts involving the Messiah which “had to happen in order that the Words be fulfilled”. We hear over and over how He accomplished specific prophecies in order to satisfy the verses spoken by the prophets of old. One of the most powerful and famous of them all is that which pertains to the Genesis account:

“You, Yahudah, your brothers praise you; your hand is on the neck of your enemies;

your father’s children bow down before you. 9Yahudah is a lion’s cub;

from the prey you have gone up, my son!

He bowed down, he crouched like a lion. And like a lion, who does rouse him?

The Sceptre shall not turn aside from Yahudah, nor a Lawgiver from between his feet

until Shyluh comes, and to Him is the Obedience of Peoples.

-Genesis 49:8-10

“Until Shyluh comes” is yet another conditional release. The Hebrew name “Shyluh” is actually a prophetic title meaning “The One Who is to Come”. Yahusha revealed He was in fact this “Shyluh” to the woman of Shamuran when she said, “I know that Messiah is Coming, the One Who is called ‘Anointed’, when that One Comes, He shall announce to us all.”, to which He replied, “I Who Am speaking to you Am He.” The most interesting point is what He was to announce! The topic which incited her statement actually stemmed from believing He would reveal which of the two nations (the Yahudy or the Shamuran) were correct in their favored location of the Temple and observation of the Sacrificial System. Instead of affirming which group was correct, He went on to express the Good News He came to announce is that it mattered not! Indeed, His sacrifice would soon enable all men everywhere to worship rendering the location of a physical Temple futile. However, this statement would require a Change of Law considering the turah explicitly illustrated the precise location, construction and required use of the Temple.

Yet these same prophecies assure us although the Tribe of Yahudah was given the anointing to rule Yasharal until the “end of the age”, the Messiah would come out of the Tribe of Yahudah and through a transfer of power, would be endowed with an All-Encompassing Authority to which not only would Yasharalym submit, but even Gentiles! The Shift of Power was on full display throughout His Ministry, but set in stone as “The King of the Yahudym” was written on the sign of His Cross. He also corroborates the older prophecies with some of His Own:

"Yahusha answered and said to them, '[I will] Destroy this Temple, and in 3 days I shall raise it.' Then the Yahudym said, ‘It took 46 years to build this Temple, and You are going to raise it in 3 days?’ But He spoke about the Temple of His body. 22So, when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this to them. And they believed the Scripture and the Word which Yahusha had said."-John 2:19-21

To destroy what the Father designated as His Own House would be blasphemous… if it were not already prophesied! He says here, He would raise it again after 3 days and thus when He resurrected the disciples understood. What did they understand?

“For You do not leave My Being in the grave, Neither let Your Kind One see corruption.”

-Psalm 16:10

This fulfillment caused a change of the Dwelling Place! But how? He explained the connection to them at the Last Pasach:

"And as they were eating, Yahusha took bread, and having blessed, broke and gave it to the taught ones and said, 'Take, eat, this is My body.' And taking the cup, and giving thanks, He gave it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood, that of the New Covenant, which is shed for many for the Forgiveness of Sins. But I say to you, I shall certainly not drink of this Fruit of the Vine from now on till that day when I drink it anew with you in the Reign of My Father.'"-Matthew 26:26-29

Indeed, He stated Forgiveness of Sin would come through His Body and Blood and not that of the established sacrificial system! This very idea would be blasphemous if not witnessed as prophetic! Then after sharing these instruments of the New Covenant (bread and wine), He stated that He would not drink another sip of the “fruit of the vineuntil the Reign of His Father” comes, yet another conditional release.

Later these symbols of the New Covenant came to life as His body bled through torn flesh while He hung on the cross. Mark and Matthew recount the scene mentioning several specific supernatural events:

"33And when the 6th hour came, darkness came over all the land until the 9th hour. 34And at the 9th hour Yahusha cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Aly, Aly, lamah shabaqtani?’ which is translated, ‘My Al, My Al, why have You forsaken Me?’ 35And some of those standing by, when they heard it, said, ‘See, He is calling for AlYahu!’ 36And someone ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, and put it on a reed, and offered it to Him to drink, saying, ‘Leave Him, let us see if AlYahu does come to take Him down.’ 37And Yahusha cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last. 38And the Veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom.”

-Mark 15:33-38

"50And Yahusha cried out again with a loud voice, and gave up His Spirit. 51And see, the Veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom, and the earth was shaken, and the rocks were split, 52and the tombs were opened, and many bodies of the set apart ones who had fallen asleep were raised, 53and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection, they went into the Set Apart City and appeared to many. 54And when the Captain and those with him, who were guarding Yahusha, saw the earthquake and all that took place, they feared exceedingly, saying, ‘Truly this was the Son of Alahym!’”-Matthew 27:50-54

We see here, not only did Day turn to Night supernaturally, not only did the Veil of the Temple rip in two after a very powerful earthquake struck upon His death, not only the dead rise, but did you catch that last one? Which seems almost so mundane it might just be insignificant, John instead chooses to express the same in greater detail:

"After this, Yahusha, knowing that all had been accomplished (teleó),

in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled (teleó), said, ‘I thirst!

A bowl of sour wine stood there, and they filled a sponge with sour wine,

put it on hyssop, and held it to His mouth. 30So when Yahusha took the sour wine

He said, ‘It has been accomplished (teleó)!’ And bowing His head, He gave up His Spirit,"

-John 19:28-30

“And they gave me gall for My food, And for my thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink.”

-Psalm 69:21

There it is! The significance. Outlined and spelled out in perfect detail. The Messiah knowing all had been accomplished said “I thirst!” and drank sour wine, finally saying “It has been accomplished!” But what was accomplished?

“Do not think that I came to destroy the Turah or the Prophets.

I did not come to destroy but to fulfill (plerosai).

For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away,

one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Turah

till all be accomplished (ginomai),"-Matthew 5:17-18

On that fateful day, Day supernaturally turned to Dark for several hours (much too long for an eclipse, thus the Laws of the Heavenly Bodies broken), the Messiah once again drank wine ushering in the New Covenant Reign, then just as He gave up His Spirit, a massive earthquake shook the Temple (a passing away of earth) so violently the Veil to the Most Set Apart Place separating the people from the Spirit of the Father was torn in two from top to bottom (destroying the Temple)!

Here we see the Messiah declared “all was accomplished” in order for a change of law to take place-He revealed He did not come to destroy the turah but to fulfill the prophetic implications OF the turah and prophets! His offering up of Himself on the Altar of the Cross caused a Change of Law which is expressed as the Story goes on. Just as prophesied, 3 days and 3 nights later the Messiah appeared alive and well at the entrance to the tomb, where Maryam desiring His embrace was rebuked from touching Him so He may first ascend into Heaven to the Father without blemish. Then before His Ascension, upon His first visit to the disciples, He immediately breathed the Set Apart Spirit into them!

“16Yahusha said to her, ‘Maryam!’ She turned and said to Him, ‘Rabboni!’ (which means Teacher). 17Yahusha said to her, ‘Do not hold on to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father. But go to My brothers and say to them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My Alahym and your Alahym.’ 18Maryam from Magdala came announcing to the taught ones that she had seen the Master, and that He had told her this. 19When therefore it was evening on that day, the 1st day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the taught ones met, for fear of the Yahudym, Yahusha came and stood in the midst, and said to them, ‘Peace to you.’ 20And having said this, He showed them His hands and His side. The taught ones therefore rejoiced when they saw the Master. 21Then Yahusha said to them again, ‘Shalum to you!

As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.’ 22And having said this,

He breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Set Apart Spirit.’”

-John 20:16-22

But why did the Messiah have to ascend into Heaven to His Father on the Day of Firstfruits without being touched by Maryam? Why in all His ministry prior to His death had He not already given them the Set Apart Spirit even though they were learning to Walk in the Way? Why did He foretell He would eventually have to leave so the Spirit could come? Why after His resurrection did He immediately impart the Set Apart Spirit to them?

“And he shall slay the goat of the sin offering, which is for the people, and shall bring its blood inside the Veil, and shall do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bull, and sprinkle it on the Lid of Atonement and in front of the Lid of Atonement. And he shall make Atonement for the Set Apart Place, because of the Uncleanness of the Children of Yasharal, and because of their transgressions in all their sins. And so he does for the Tent of Appointment which is dwelling with them in the midst of their Uncleanness.”

-Leviticus 16:15-16

This passage of Leviticus expresses the point of the earthly Temple! This system of the Temple, Sacrifices and Luym Priesthood was the Way for Yahuah’s Spirit to dwell in the midst of Yasharal because of their Uncleanness, allowing them to still worship Him while separated from Him by their Sin. \

This reveals two parts to the Turah of Mashah: one part which produces Righteousness, and the other for Temporary Atonement for Unrighteousness when the turah of Righteousness is transgressed.

The High Priest had to enter inside the Veil to sprinkle the blood on the Mercy Seat each year for the Atonement of the people because they were living in Unrighteousness (sin). Yet, these were copies of the Heavenly. The Messiah ascended into the Heavenly Temple to do the same, in order to complete the Atoning Sacrifice once and for all in order to set apart the Nation of Yasharal's bodies and souls, so they could become a suitable House to Receive the Set Apart Spirit!

Therefore, if the Messiah ascended into the Heavenly Temple to sprinkle His own blood on the Heavenly Throne of Yahuah, He must be officiating His own sacrifice as The One and Only High Priest. According to turah there can only be one High Priest! According to turah the High Priest and Offering had to be Set Apart and Clean before he could enter into the Veil (which explains why Maryam was unable to touch Him). Many miss the significance of the next part of the story: Once the Messiah breathed the Set Apart Spirit into them, He ascended into Heaven where He remained for 7 days!

“24But T’oma, called the ‘Twin’, one of the 12, was not with them when Yahusha came, 25so the other taught ones said to him, ‘We have seen the Master.’ But he said to them, ‘Unless I see in His hands the mark of the nails, and put my finger into the imprint of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I shall by no means Believe.’

26And after 8 days His taught ones were again inside, and T’oma with them. Yahusha came, the doors having been shut, and He stood in the midst, and said, ‘Shalum to you!’ 27Then He said to T’oma, ‘Bring your finger here, and see My hands. And bring your hand and put it into My side – and do not be Unbelieving, but Believing.’

-John 20:24-27

What is the significance? It takes 7 days for a Priest to be ordained, 7 days for the Atonement for Priests to be finalized, 7 days for their hands to be filled. These physical shadows representing the True Fulfillment of the Messiah’s Ordination coming into manifestation once and for all as the Eternal High Priest over all Yasharal through the Holes in His Hands dripping the Blood of Atonement on the Heavenly Mercy Seat for our Eternal Sacrifice!

“And do not go outside the Door of the Tent of Meeting for 7 days, until the days of your Ordination are completed – for he fills your hands for 7 days, Yahuah has commanded to do, as he has done this day, to make Atonement for you. And stay at the Door of the Tent of Meeting day and night for 7 days. And you shall Guard the Duty of Yahuah, and not die, for so I have been commanded.”-Leviticus 8:33-35

In order for this to take place and have eternal affects, there had to be a Change of Priesthood… and if there was a Change of Priesthood, out of necessity there HAD to be a Change of Law as well! Hebrews 9 articulates the significance of the Messiah’s Ascension and the Reception of the Set Apart Spirit in the Disciples in great detail:

“1Now the First Covenant indeed had regulations of worship and the earthly Set Apart Place. 2For a Tent was prepared: the First Part, in which was the Lampstand, and the Table, and the Showbread, which is called the Set Apart Place. 3And after the Second Veil, the part of the Tent which is called Most Set Apart, 4to which belonged the Golden Censer, and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the Golden Pot that held the Manna, and the Rod of Aharun that budded, and the Tablets of the Covenant, 5and above it the Karubym of Glory were overshadowing the Place of Atonement – about which we do not now speak in detail. 6And these having been prepared like this, the Priests always went into the First Part of the Tent, accomplishing the services. 7But into the Second Part the High Priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for Sins of Ignorance of the People, 8the Set Apart Spirit signifying this, that The Way into the Most Set Apart Place was not yet made manifest while the first Tent had a standing, 9which was a parable for the Present Time in which both gifts and slaughters are offered which are unable to perfect the one serving, as to his conscience, 10only as to foods and drinks, and different washings, and Fleshly Regulations imposed until a time of Setting Matters straight.

Here Shaul reiterates the Set Apart Spirit now dwelling within the Believers’ Bodies reading his letter actually witnesses to them the self-evident difference between the First Covenant and the Second. He explains during the First, sacrificial rituals were imposed because they were separated from the Spirit of Alahym Which was hidden behind the Veil. He then states the separation was because the Way into the Veil was not yet made manifest while the First Tent had a “standing” meaning importance or relevance… what did Messiah say to the woman of Shamuran? The Good News He brought would render the location of the Temple futile? What did He tell the Yahudym? He would destroy the Temple? “Destroy” in Hebrew (His spoken language) from “shua”, meaning “to bring to nothing, destruction or unimportance”. He then explains those fleshly rituals were necessary “until a time of setting matters straight”, yet another conditional release which He goes on to explain was when the Messiah Ascended into the Heavenly Temple:

“11But Messiah, having become a High Priest of the coming Good Matters, through the Greater and More Perfect Tent not made with hands, that is, not of this creation, 12entered into the Most Set Apart Place once for all, not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood, having obtained Everlasting Redemption.”

He explains the literal manifestation of “the time of setting matters straight” was when the Messiah offered His Own Blood “once and for all” which he contrasts against the landscape of the continual sacrifices offered by the Luym which were never able to produce the continual Righteousness in Yasharal for which His one sacrifice is now able:

“13For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the defiled, sets apart for the cleansing of the flesh, 14how much more shall the Blood of the Messiah, Who through the Everlasting Spirit offered Himself Unblemished to Alahym, cleanse your Conscience from Dead Works to Serve the Living Alahym?

15And because of this He is the Mediator of a New Covenant, so that, Death having taken place for Redemption of the Transgressions under the First Covenant, those who are Called might receive the Promise of the Everlasting Inheritance.”

Here Shaul articulates the fulfillment of the New Covenant prophecy in YarmYahu 31. The continual memorial of the Sacrifices produced a posture of perpetual sin under the First Covenant. But Belief in the Messiah cleansing us forever allows us to walk in the part of turah which produces Righteousness. The death of the Messiah ended that previous Covenant while simultaneously initiating the Second.

“16For where a Covenant is, it is necessary for the death of the Covenanted One to be established. 17For a Covenant over those dead is firm, since it is never valid while the Covenanted One is living. 18Therefore not even the First Covenant was instituted without blood. 19For when, according to turah, every command had been spoken by Mashah to all the people, he took the blood of calves and goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people, 20saying, ‘This is the Blood of the Covenant which Alahym commanded you.’ 21And in the same way he sprinkled with blood both the Tent and all the vessels of the service. 22And, according to the turah, almost all is cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

23It was necessary, then, that the Copies of the Heavenly Ones should be cleansed with these, but the Heavenly Ones themselves with Better Slaughter Offerings than these.

24For Messiah has not entered into a Set Apart Place made by hand – figures of the true – but into the Heaven itself, NOW to Appear in the Presence of Alahym on our behalf, 25not that He should offer Himself often, as the High Priest enters into the Set Apart Place year by year with blood not his own. 26For if so, He would have had to suffer often, since the Foundation of the World. But now He has Appeared once for all at the Consummation of the Ages to put away sin by the Offering of Himself. 27And as it awaits men to die once, and after this the judgment, 28so also the Messiah, having been Offered once to bear the sins of many, shall appear a Second Time, apart from sin, to those waiting for Him, unto Deliverance.”

This passage reiterates several times there was a designated point of change. If there was a change then the New Covenant could not be exactly the same as the Old Covenant as some erroneously teach. The difference is a Change of Law and Priesthood made evident by the dwelling of the Set Apart Spirit of Alahym. Here, Shaul tells us the Messiah’s atonement brought the “Consummation of the Ages”, which in Hebraic language literally means, “until the end of the age”. The Greek here literally means “the climax” of the Story! Many falsely assert the turah is “forever” by way of the English expression meaning “eternally”, but the Hebrew word for “forever” actually has a double meaning and in context is almost always best rendered as “until the end of the age” as in “a duration”. This is why Shaul pained to express to the Hebrews the connection of the Old Covenant lasting until the “Consummation of the Ages”, which is made apparent by the present Indwelling of the Set Apart Spirit. And for us, further made apparent by his tone in speaking of the Temple, Sacrifices and Luym Priesthood in past tense, verses the New Covenant in the present. The point he is trying to communicate to the Hebrews here is that ultimately, the Promise to Abraham would be made manifest through Faith in the Messiah’s eternal sacrifice producing Righteousness in the Believers for which they are granted the Right to dwell with Them eternally! This concept would have made perfect sense to those who already knew and believed the Book of Chanak Chapter 93 which outlines “the Ages” in detail. He was appealing to what they already knew to help them understand how this Change of Law and Priesthood was prophesied from the beginning!

“Then in the Fifth Week, during its completion, the House of Glory and of Dominion shall be Erected Forever.”

-Enoch 93:9

“Do you not know that you are a Dwelling Place of Alahym and that the

Spirit of Alahym dwells in you?”

-1 Corinthians 3:16

“Or do you not know that your body is the Dwelling Place of the Set Apart Spirit Who is in you, which you have from Alahym, and you are not your own?”-1 Corinthians 6:19

These passages reveal:

  • There could not be a Change of Reign and Priesthood until Shyluh came, which Yahusha claimed to be.

  • The Messiah could not drink wine again until the New Covenant Kingdom was established, which He did at the Cross.

  • There could not be a Change of Law and Covenant until the Laws of the Luminaries were broken, which happened at the Cross.

  • There could not be a Change of Law until a passing away of earth (soil/land), which happened at the Cross.

  • The Temple Laws required Gates, Doors and Veils to protect people from the Spirit and the Temple from pollution, which were all supernaturally opened by the Set Apart Spirit at the Cross.

  • The Messiah said the Temple would be destroyed and raised again after the 3rd day, which His disciples recognized happened upon His Resurrection.

  • The Spirit of Alahym dwelled in the physical Temple until the New Covenant Reign, which transitioned after His Resurrection.

  • The First Covenant imposed fleshly rituals of offerings and washings until the consummation of the ages which happened upon the His Ascension.

All of these miraculous events give credence to the explanation given in Hebrews. The prophecies foretold of a New Covenant which would be accompanied by specific conditions made manifest. Those conditions were indeed manifested, revealing a Change of Law and Priesthood.

An End of Offerings to Remember Our Sins No More

“For this is the Covenant I shall make with the House of Yasharal after those days,

declares Yahuah: I shall put My Turah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts. And I shall be their Alahym, and they shall be My People. And no longer shall they teach, each one his neighbour, and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know Yahuah,’ for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,’ declares Yahuah. ‘For I shall Forgive their Crookedness, and Remember their Sin no more.’ -Jeremiah 31:33-34

YarmYahu tells us the Father’s desire is to offer both Houses of Yasharal a Way into Covenant, but in order to do that He must no longer remember their sins. Hebrews tells us the problem with the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual animal sacrifices and meal and drink offerings is they are constant reminders of sins (Heb. 10:3). Then for this New Covenant to work, the continual sacrifices must stop (Heb. 10:18). Therefore, the only Way into this New Covenant is by accepting the Atoning Sacrifice of the Messiah, once and for all (Heb. 10:9)!

This explains why when the Second Temple Priests continued to offer sacrifices according to the turah, the scarlet strand never again turned white. Their continual sacrifices reminded the Father they had not received the final sacrifice, therefore they remained conscious of their sins and their guilt was still upon them. In order for them to be forgiven, they were told to “Enter into the Veil” through the Messiah’s Blood (Heb. 10:19-20). But because they rejected His Sacrifice was sufficient, indeed clinging to the Old Way, they were rejected from being Priests for Him.

Psalm 40:6-9

Slaughtering and Meal Offering You did not desire; You have Opened My Ears;

Burnt Offering and Sin Offering You did not ask for. Then I said, 'See, I have Come;

In the Scroll of the Book it is prescribed for me! I have Delighted to do Your Pleasure,

O my Alahym, And Your Turah is within my heart. I have Proclaimed the Good News of Righteousness, In the Great Assembly! See, I do not Restrain My Lips, O Yahuah, You know!’”

Psalms then reveals the true Bashurah is tied to the Messiah Changing the Laws of the Temple, Priesthood and Sacrificial System which is expressed throughout the book of Hebrews!

"1For the Turah, having a Shadow of the Good Matters to come,

and not the Image itself of the Matters, was never able to make Perfect those who draw near with the same Slaughter Offerings which they offer continually year by year.

2Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered? Because those who served,

once cleansed, would have had no more Consciousness of Sins.

3But in those Offerings is a reminder of sins year by year.

4For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

5Therefore, coming into the world, He says, ‘Slaughtering and Meal Offering You did not Desire, but a body You have Prepared for Me. 6In Burnt Offerings and Offerings for Sin You did not Delight. 7Then I said, ‘See, I come – in the Roll of the Book it has been Written concerning Me – to do Your Desire, O Alahym.’

8Saying above, ‘Slaughter and Meal Offering, and Burnt Offerings, and Offerings for Sin You did not Desire, nor Delighted in,’ which are offered according to the Turah,

9then He said, ‘See, I come to do Your Desire, O Alahym.’

He takes away the First to Establish the Second. By that Desire we have been Set Apart through the Offering of the Body of Yahusha the Messiah once for all!”

-Hebrews 10:1-22

Here Shaul stops to express the First Covenant with its various offerings were unable to remove the consciousness of sins, and if the consciousness of sins could happen then the sacrifices would stop. Therefore, the First Covenant and its continual offerings was taken away in order to establish the Second Covenant which removes the consciousness of sin... therefore this Second Covenant can not require those same sacrifices because the offering of Yahusha fulfilled the Father’s desire for an eternal sacrifice! Yet many falsely argue the sacrifices will return only as Memorials, and yet by that very reasoning the Sacrifices can not return or else they would once again become conscious of sins! So then Shaul continues by explaining those who try to continue the sacrifices are in futility:

“11And indeed every priest stands day by day doing service, and repeatedly Offering

the same Slaughter Offerings which are never able to take away sins.

12But He, having offered one Slaughter Offering for Sins for all time, sat down at the Right Hand of Alahym, 13waiting from that time onward until His enemies are made a footstool for His feet. 14For by One Offering He has Perfected for all time those who are being Set Apart.

15And the Set Apart Spirit also Witnesses to us, for after having said before,

16’This is the Covenant that I shall make with them after those days, says Yahuah,

giving My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I shall write them,’ 17and,

Their Sins and their Lawlessnesses I shall remember no more.’

18Now where there is Forgiveness of these, there is no longer a Slaughter Offering for Sin.

19So, brothers, having boldness to enter into the Set Apart Place by the Blood of Yahusha 20by a New and Living Way which He instituted for us, through the Veil, that is, His flesh, 21and having a High Priest over the House of Alahym, 22let us draw near with a true heart having Completeness of Belief, having our Hearts Sprinkled from a Wicked Conscience and our Bodies Washed with clean water."

There we are told explicitly, where there is forgiveness and the memory of sin blotted out, there is no longer a Slaughter Offering needed! But not just offerings for sin and atonement, but all sacrifices and meal offerings (Psalms 40:6-9, Heb.10:8)! He tells us we now have a High Priest over the House of Alahym, Whose sacrifice removes our conscience of sin and cleanses our bodies! Now we are authorized to enter into the Most Set Apart Place by the Blood of the Lamb! This New and Living Way is similar to the Old Covenant but manifested differently-According to Better Promises! Under the Old Covenant anyone entering besides the Luym High Priest would have perished!

"For if that First Covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the Second. For finding fault with them, he says, ‘Behold, the Days come, says Yahuah, ‘When I will make a New Covenant with the House of Yasharal and with the House of Yahudah: not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Matsraym; because they continued not in My Covenant, and I regarded them not, says Yahuah. For this is the Covenant that I will make with the House of Yasharal after those days, says Yahuah: I will put my Turah into their mind, and write it in their hearts: and I will be their Alahym, and they shall be to me a People: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know Yahuah: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be Merciful to their Unrighteousness, and their Sins and their Turahless Deeds will I remember no more."

-Hebrews 8:7-12

This prophetic New Covenant reality is foretold in YashaYahu 66, where Yahuah opens asking His People what could man possibly create that could House His Spirit. However, we know according to the Turah of Mashah how to build a Temple that would House His Spirit! If this would no longer be sufficient, then there must be a change in the order. He then says there would come a time when because they rejected and shamed the Messiah, they would be rejected and shamed for their arrogance. He states the very reason they reject Him is for “Yahuah’s Own Name Sake”! But how? Because they did not understand the temporary sacrificial system was foreshadowing an eternal sacrifice which would end them once and for all and continue them out of an earnest desire to “keep the turah”. So then, they would shame the Messiah and Natsarym for teaching this change of law and priesthood. Therefore, because they did not receive the prophecies and remain carnally-minded never maturing into the New Covenant, the Father would only see their offerings as abominations of their own desire.

What is more, He goes on to share the Believing Gentiles would be elevated to Royalty and brought as “Offerings” out of the nations, which He would receive in “His House”, and even taken as “Priests”! We know accordingly to the turah Priests could only be blood lineage from the Sons of Tsadak (Luym). Gentiles are unable to be priests, and these men

“‘And they shall bring all your Brothers as an Offering to Yahuah out of all the Gentiles,

on horses and in chariots and in litters, on mules and on camels,

to My Set Apart Mountain Yarushalam,’ declares Yahuah,

‘as the Children of Yasharal bring an offering in a clean vessel into the House of Yahuah.

And from them too I shall take for Priests – for ‘Luym,’ declares Yahuah.”

-Isaiah 66:20-21

Throughout these passages, we see expressed over and over the New Covenant requires the Father to forget our transgressions in order to allow us to come back into Covenant, however with the sacrificial offerings comes remembrance of sins so by continuing in them thereby exclude ourselves from the New Covenant for which the Messiah is the Mediator. However, those who believe the Good News-the True Bashurah-will be accepted in the House of Alahym and elevated as Royal Priests of Righteousness! Just as the verse in Chanak 93 stated would happen, which the Messiah Himself corroborated in Yahuchanan 2:19-21. The physical “House of Yahuah” then has been replaced with the “Body of Messiah” as further expressed in 1 Kypha 2:

“Drawing near to Him, a Living Stone – rejected indeed by men, but Chosen by Alahym and Precious – you also, as Living Stones, are being built up, a Spiritual House, a Set Apart Priesthood, to offer up Spiritual Slaughter Offerings acceptable to Alahym through Yahusha Messiah. Because it is contained in the Scripture, ‘See, I lay in Tsayan a Chief Corner-Stone, Chosen, Precious, and he who Believes on Him shall by no means be put to shame.’ This Preciousness, then, is for you who Believe; but to those who are Disobedient, ‘The Stone which the Builders rejected has become the Chief Corner Stone,” and ‘A Stone of Stumbling and a Rock that makes for Falling,’ who Stumble because they are Disobedient to the Word, to which they also were appointed.

But you are a Chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood, a Set Apart Nation, a People for a Possession, that you should proclaim the praises of Him Who called you out of Darkness into His Marvellous Light, who once were not a People, but now the People of Alahym; who had not obtained Compassion, but now obtained Compassion.”

-1 Peter 2:9-10

Peter said “Disobedient to the Word”, which many believes solely refers to “breaking the turah”, but in context he is actually expressing taking off the flesh and putting on Messiah, including letting go of the Old Covenant Fleshly Sacrificial System and Putting on the Righteousness of Messiah (through Faith His eternal sacrifice removes our sin forever!) Peter tells us there the Gentiles Who once were not a People, now the People of Alahym, have now obtained Compassion! Compassion?

“Thus said Yahuah, ‘If My Covenant is not with Day and Night,

and if I have not Appointed the Laws of the Heavens and Earth,

then I would also reject the descendants of Ya‛aqub and Daud, My servant,

so that I should not take of his descendants to be rulers over the descendants of

Abraham, Yatschaq, and Ya‛aqub. For I shall turn back their Captivity,

And have Compassion on them.’”

-Jeremiah 33:25-26

This prophecy has a double meaning then. The Covenant and Laws of Day and Night, Heaven and Earth being broken at the Cross, rendered the literal descendants of Ya’acub and Daud no longer a literal office by way of royal lineage as in the flesh-But the Messiah being both Flesh and Alahym born into the lineage of Daud has an eternal Royal Office over the People of Alahym (which includes the Seed of Abraham, Yatschaq and Ya’aqub AND the Lost Sheep of Yasharal who are mixed amongst the Gentiles, AND those Gentiles which never knew Him prior to hearing the Good News who all Hear His Voice and Come into Covenant!) Then His People are set free from their captivity of the “Law of Sin and Death” through healing and deliverance by Faith in His Eternal Sacrifice, elevated to a Royal Priesthood able to Rule as Co-Heirs with the Messiah!

Hebrews tells us receiving the Set Apart Spirit is evidence of such (Heb. 10:15)! The very fact that the Set Apart Spirit comes to dwell within the body of all Believers is a Witness of the New Covenant. During the First Covenant, very few people ever received the Set Apart Spirit. Whereas, almost all of Yasharal remained shut up under the carnal perception of the Letter of the Law, unable to receive the Spirit of the Law (2 Corin. 3). Why was that so? This continual cycle of sacrifice kept their minds fixated on their sin and guilt causing them to continue in lawlessness. In contrast, under the New Covenant Believers become free from the reminder of our sin and easily move forward in Righteousness. Since now we are confident the Father has forgiven us and our sins have been not just been temporarily covered as before, but completely removed from us-We may confidently approach the Set Apart Place because the Gates and Doors have been opened, and even the Veil to the haQadash has been torn so we might confidently enter in through the Blood of the Messiah (Heb. 10:19)!

“1See, My Servant Whom I Uphold, My Chosen One My Being has Delighted in!

I have put My Spirit upon Him; He brings forth Right-Ruling to the Gentiles.

2He does not cry out, nor lifts up His voice, nor causes His voice to be heard in the street.

3A crushed reed He does not break, and smoking flax He does not quench. He brings forth Right-Ruling in accordance with Truth. 4He does not become Weak or Crushed, until He has Established Right-Ruling in the earth. And the Coastlands wait for His Turah. 5Thus said the Al, Yahuah, Who Created the Heavens and stretched them out, who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it, and Spirit to those who walk on it: 6’I, Yahuah, have called You in Righteousness, and I take hold of Your Hand and Guard You, and give You for a Covenant to a People, for a Light to the Gentiles, 7to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness from the prison house. 8I am Yahuah, that is My Name, and My Esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols. 9See, the Former predictions have come, and New Ones I Am Declaring; before They spring forth I let you hear them.’”

-Isaiah 42:1-9

"Yahuah said to my Master, ‘Sit at My right hand, Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your Yahuah sends Your mighty Sceptre out of Tsayan. Rule in the midst of Your enemies! Your People volunteer in the Day of Your Might, In the Splendours of Set-Apartness! From the womb, from the morning, You have the dew of Your youth! Yahuah has sworn and does not relent, You are a Priest forever According to the Order of Malky-Tsadaq. Yahuah at Your right hand Shall smite sovereigns in the day of His wrath. He judges among the nations, He shall fill the nations with dead bodies, He shall crush the Head over the mighty earth! He drinks of the stream by the wayside, Therefore He does lift up the head!’"

-Psalms 110:1-7

Thus, a New Covenant was prophesied in which slaughter offerings, meal offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings would not be required because a Body of Sacrifice was offered once and for all - This is exactly what is expressed in Hebrews!

“11Truly, then, if Perfection were through the Luytical Priesthood – for under it the people were given the Turah – why was there still need for another Priest to arise according to the Order of Malky-Tsadaq, and not be called according to the Order of Aharun?

12For the Priesthood being Changed,

of necessity there takes place a Change of Law also.

13For He of whom this is said belongs to another tribe, from which no one had attended at the altar. 14For it is perfectly clear that our Master arose from Yahudah, a tribe about which Mashah never spoke of concerning Priesthood, 15and this is clearer still, if another Priest arises in the likeness of Malky-Tsadaq, 16Who has become, not according to the Turah of Fleshly Command, but according to the Power of an Endless Life, 17for He does Witness,

‘You are a Priest forever according to the Order of Malky-Tsadaq.

18For there is indeed a setting aside of the former command because of its Weakness and Unprofitableness, 19for the Turah Perfected naught, but the bringing in of a Better Expectation, through which we draw near to Alahym.”

-Hebrews 7:11-18

Again, Shaul expresses this First Covenant including the Temple, Sacrificial System and Luym Priesthood has been set aside (not continued alongside as many claim!) because that part of the turah was weak and unprofitable. In contrast, the Messiah brought in Better Expectations through which we may confidently approach Alahym!

“20And it was not without an oath! 21For they indeed became Priests without an oath, but He became Priest with an oath by Him who said to Him, ‘Yahuah has sworn and shall not regret, ‘You are a Priest forever according to the Order of Malky-Tsadaq.’ 22By as much as this Yahusha has become a Guarantor of a Better Covenant. 23And indeed, those that became Priests were many, because they were prevented by death from continuing, 24but He, because He remains forever, has an Unchangeable Priesthood.

25Therefore He is also able to Save Completely those who Draw Near to Alahym through Him, ever living to make Intercession for them.

26For it was fitting that we should have such a High Priest – kind, innocent, undefiled, having been separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens, 27who does not need, as those high priests, to offer up Slaughter Offerings day by day, first for His own sins and then for those of the people, for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself.

28For the Turah appoints as High Priests men who have Weakness, but the Word of the Oath which came after the Turah, appoints the Son having been Perfected Forever.”

-Hebrews 7:19-28

Therefore, we now have an Eternal High Priest Who was able to officiate His Own Eternal Sacrifice because He has the Power of Eternal Life - He being that Malak (King) of Tsadaq (Righteousness) as Shyluh (The One Who is to Come) able to Rule the Gentiles in Righteousness for which causes a Change of Law out of necessity by the Change of Priesthood.

So then, what were those offerings of the First Covenant for? Galatians 3 tells us:

“5Brothers, as a man I say it: a Covenant, even though it is man’s,

yet if it is Confirmed, no one sets it aside, or adds to it.

16But the Promises were spoken to Abraham, and to His Seed. He does not say, “And to Seeds,” as of many, but as of One, “And to your Seed,” Who is Messiah.

17Now this I say, Turah, that came 430 years later, does not Annul a Covenant previously Confirmed by Alahym in Messiah, so as to do away with the Promise.

18For if the Inheritance is by Turah, it is no longer by Promise,

but Alahym gave it to Abraham through a Promise.

19Why, then, the Turah? It was Added because of Transgressions,

until the Seed should Come to Whom the Promise was made.

And it was Ordained through Messengers in the Hand of a Mediator.

20The Mediator, however, is not of one, but Alahym is One.

21Is the Turah then against the Promises of Alahym? Let it not be!

For if a Law had been given that was able to make alive,

truly Righteousness would have been by Turah.

22But the Scripture has shut up all mankind under sin,

that the Promise by Belief in Yahusha Messiah might be given to those who Believe.

23But before Belief came, we were being Guarded under Turah,

having been shut up for the Belief being about to be Revealed.

24Therefore the Turah became our Trainer unto Messiah,

in order to be Declared Right by Belief.

25And after Belief has come, we are no longer under a Trainer.

26For you are all Sons of Alahym through Belief in Messiah Yahusha.

27For as many of you as were Immersed into Messiah have put on Messiah.

28There is not Yahudite nor Greek, there is not slave nor free,

there is not male and female, for you are all One in Messiah Yahusha.

29And if you are of Messiah, then you are the Seed of Abraham,

and Heirs according to Promise.”

-Galatians 2:5-29

Here Galatians says the Turah of Mashah was added because of transgression. What is transgression? Iniquity, or unrepentant sin. The Turah was “added” because of unrepentant sin. Iniquity requires Blood Sacrifice for atonement and forgiveness. This cycle of continual sin and sacrifice was futile, the people ever living conscious of their sin and separated from Alahym. However, the Messiah’s final sacrifice offered a Way of Forgiveness once and for all, breaking the curse of sin in the flesh, or the “Law of Sin and Death” - FREEDOM to Walk in Continual Righteousness! This Sacrificial System has been fulfilled through His eternal sacrifice.

However, understanding those temporary coverings helps us recognize the eternal power of His Blood! This leads us back to the story of the initiation of tzit-tzituth, where the man in the Wilderness was condemned to death for breaking the Sabbath, therefore all Yasharal were required to wear them so when they looked down seeing the blue thread would remember to obey the commands of Alahym which were written on the Sapphire Tablets. Just like these tzit-tzit were added for training unto Righteousness, so was the Turah of Mashah so that when the Messiah finally came, we would recognize and submit to Him for Who He was, Is and Will be-as The Everlasting King, High Priest, Prophet, and Saviour! Then the sacrifices were meant to be physical shadows training us unto Spiritual Maturity. Those who Believe this Bashurah then, confess and repent from their sins by observing the other part of turah which is genuine love for Alahym and Neighbor, and are Immersed for Forgiveness receive the Set Apart Spirit of Alahym Who comes to dwell within us to lead and teach us all Truth!

There in Galatians, Shaul finally reaffirms the Walls of Separation have been torn down! As explained in the beginning, during the First Covenant the many sections of the Temple were divided. Although now, for Believers in Messiah, there is no difference between Jew or Gentile, Free or Slave, Male or Female. Said simply, where the Courtyards kept us divided, Yahuah has made us all One if we so Believe. Therefore, as Heirs according to the Promise - No longer under the trainer - we are called to walk in Spiritual Maturity by recognizing and applying the Spiritual Lessons taught through the Old Covenant Temple turah!

But what is Spiritual Maturity? Hebrews 6 tells us Spiritual Maturity moves beyond the basics of teaching repentance and walking in turah, beyond healings and deliverance and even resurrection of the dead! It tells us as Inheritors of the Promise, we are called to walk in Perfection! Turah literally means “instructions” and broken down from the Paleo Hebrew lettering actually means “To Aim for the Mark” as an arrow is shot at a bull’s-eye. This is the Fruit of Belief of Messiah: That we aim to keep the Commands of Alahym through the example of the Messiah, and they are not burdensome because we have impaled the Flesh with its desires and have become New Creations. No longer falling into repetitive temptation, but remaining victorious by our Testimony. Empowered by the Set Apart Spirit, we remain convicted of the Truth and having gone through the process of sanctification unto maturity (John 14). The Messiah’s example is the perfect example of Righteousness, and as Believers and Natsarym we are called to walk as He walked in Spirit and in Truth:

“Everyone who believes that Yahusha is the Messiah has been born of Alahym,

and everyone who loves the One bringing forth also loves the one having been born of Him. By this we know that we love the Children of Alahym, when we love Alahym and guard His commands. For this is the love for Alahym, that we guard His commands, and His commands are not heavy, because everyone having been born of Alahym overcomes the world. And this is the overcoming that has overcome the world: our belief. Who is the one who overcomes the world but he who believes that Yahusha is the Son of Alahym? This is the One that came by water and blood: Yahusha Messiah, not only by water, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is the Truth.

-1 John 5:1-6

Here John tells us the Spirit bears Witness to the Truth, and as we submit to that Truth we are often required to give up our fleshly desires (which is reckoned as a type of sacrifice to the Father), and thus feel a sort of pain with that loss (which is much like gold being refined in a furnace as the blemishes are burned off, the clump only becomes more purified). This is why the Scriptures allude to the Set Apart Spirit being an Immersion of Fire for Sanctification as opposed to the Immersion of Water washing away our sins for Forgiveness and Cleanliness. After Forgiveness comes the Process of Sanctification which leads to Perfection.

“And I shall bring the third into fire, and refine them as silver is refined,

and try them as gold is tried. They shall call on My Name, and I shall answer them.

I shall say, ‘This is My People,’ while they say, ‘Yahuah is my Alahym.””-Zechariah 13:9

As gold in the furnace has he tried them, and received them as a burnt offering.

-Wisdom of Solomon 3:6

“I call upon you, therefore, brothers, through the Compassion of Alahym,

to Present your Bodies a Living Offering – Set Apart, well-pleasing to Alahym,

your Reasonable Worship”-Romans 12:1

“...Even though for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by manifold trials, 7in order that the Proving of your Belief – much more precious than gold that perishes, and proven by fire – might be found to result in Praise and Respect and Esteem at the Revelation of Yahusha Messiah, 8whom having not seen, you love; in whom you exult with unspeakable and esteemed Joy, yet not seeing, but Believing,

9obtaining the goal of your belief: a deliverance of lives.

-1 Peter 1:6-9

“Through Him then, let us Continually Offer Up a Slaughter Offering of Praise to Alahym, that is, the Fruit of our Lips, giving thanks to His Name. 16And do not forget to do good and to share, for with such Slaughter Offerings Alahym is well pleased.”

-Hebrews 13:15-16

So then, we see even though the Temple, Levitical Priesthood and Sacrificial System which was added because of iniquity has changed, we are still called to live Righteous lives keeping the rest of the turah which are the Commands of Alahym.

Comparing the Old & the New

So what has Changed from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant?

  1. The Authority of Rule Yasharal has shifted from the Tribe of Yahudah to Yahusha haMashyach the Eternal King and High Priest and His Royal Priesthood (Gen. 49:8-10, Matt. 28:18, Matt. 16:15-19, Rom. 8:15-17, 1 Pet. 2:9, Luke 10:19 & 1:6, Rev. 5:10).

  2. The Aahrunic/Levite/Zadok Priesthood has been replaced with the Malky-Tsadaq Priesthood (Psa. 110:4, Heb. 7:11-28, Heb. 4:14, Heb. 7:12)

  3. Anyone who confesses, believes the full Bashurah/”Good News”, repents and is Immersed for the Forgiveness of their Sins becomes grafted into Yasharal, “The House of Alahym”, and are Ordained as Priests of the Malky-Tsadaq Priesthood (Isaiah 61:6 & 66:21, 1 Pet. 2, Tit. 2:14, Romans 15:16, Rev. 1:6, Rev. 5:10, Rev. 20:6) to receive the Set Apart Spirit who leads them to All Truth (John 14, Acts 2:38).

  4. The Laws of the Sacrificial System of Meal and Drink Offerings, Burnt Offerings, Slaughter Offerings, Praise Offerings, and Offerings for Sins and Atonement are no longer literally required as according to the Old Covenant, but have been changed and now manifest as fulfilled through Belief in the Messiah’s one sacrifice being eternally sufficient for all time (Psalm 40:6 & 51:16, 1 Sam. 15:22, Hos. 6:6, Eph. 1:7, Heb, 7:11, 18-19, Heb. 8:7-12, Heb. 10:1-22, John 19:28-30).

  5. As we submit to His Authority and live our lives in Righteousness, Worship, Pray and Offer Thanksgiving and Praise to Alahym, our Lives and Righteous good works are received as acceptable spiritual sacrificial offerings (Rev. 12:1, Rom. 6:16, Rom. 15:16, Heb. 13:15-16, 1 Pet. 2:5, Mal. 1:11, Rev. 8:3, Isa. 66:19-21).

  6. The physical Temple has been replaced with the Body of Messiah, the physical bodies of Believers (1 Corin. 3:16-17, 6:15-20, 2 Corin. 6:14-18, Eph. 2:19-22, 1 Pet. 2:5).

  7. Tzit-Tzituth are no longer required as the requirement to wear tzit-tzits were part of the “added laws because of transgression", to remind Yasharal to keep the commands of Alahym, but now the Set Apart Spirit comes to dwell in us to remind us of all Truth (Gal. 3:19, Num. 15:32-40, John 14:26, John 16:7, Jer. 31:33-34, 1 John 2:27, Heb. 10:15).

  8. Physical Circumcision is no longer required, but now circumcision of heart meaning we offer our whole lives as a living sacrifice thinking, feeling and choosing to obey to the best of our ability (Gal. 2 & 5, Acts 15, Rom. 2-5, 1 Corin. 7:18-20).

  9. We are no longer required to stone or kill transgressors of the Turah, but extend grace if they repent or excommunicate them from the congregation if they do not, so the Father may chastise them hopefully unto repentance or ultimately destroy them in the Second Death (Matt. 7:1, 1 Corin. 5:13, Rom. 8:1 & 5:16).

  10. Tithes are no longer required because the Temple and Priesthood have been replaced, but instead we are called to offer “love offerings” of freewill as convicted by the Spirit, especially taking care of the widows, orphans and brethren (2 Corin, 9:6-7, 1 Corin. 9:18, 16:2, Acts 4:34-35). The love offerings may be collected by the congregations to be dispersed, although leaders and lazy congregants are not owed tithes (2 Thess. 3:10), and leaders should not preach (or use their other spiritual gifts) for pay and profit (Prov. 23:23, Matt. 10:5-8).

  11. Under the Old Covenant people would receive curses of sickness and poverty for transgressing the Covenant, but during the New Covenant through Faith in the Messiah and true Bashurah (Good News) the cursed may be restored and delivered immediately and accepted into the congregations and made provisions for (Exo. 15:26, Deut. 30:19, Jer. 30:17 & 33:6, Matt. 10:1, Jam. 5:15, Phil. 4:19, Mark 5:34).

  12. Although married women are encouraged to "cover their head" when prophesying or praying in a Set Apart Assembly (or show some other customary symbol of marriage such as wearing a wedding ring, etc. to ward off lascivious spirits), men should not be compelled to wear a "kippa" for spiritual purposes, which only ever became a common practice in Judaism through pagan Hellenization during the time of the Maccabees (Deuteronomy 12:30-31, 2 Maccabees 4:7-17, 1 Corin. 11).

  13. Ritual immersion (baptism) is no longer required as it was in the First Covenant, our Immersion into the Faith of Messiah is now enough for all time. Beyond this, we are encouraged to "wash one another's feet" during Passover symbolically remembering He has made us clean so we are called to encourage one another to good works worthy of our purity before Him (Ephesian 4:4-6, 1 Corin. 6:11, 1 Corin. 12:13, John 13:1-16).

Similar, but Not the Same

What remains the same from the Old Covenant to the New?

  1. We are still required to observe the Hebrew 7th Day Weekly Sabbath (Matt. 24:20, Acts 13:42-44, Acts 16:11-13, Acts 17:1-2, Acts 18:1-4, Hebrews 3-4), as discussed in these passages, this includes Believing Jews, all Hebrews and all Gentile Believers.

  2. We are still required to observe the Appointed Times (Feast Days), although now in Spirit AND in Truth through honor of the Messiah's eternal offering without the First Covenant's physical tithes and sacrificial offerings (Acts 2:1, 1 Corin. 5:8, Luke 22:19, Zech. 14:16, Hebrews 10:25, Jere. 31:8 Brenton's LXX).

  3. We must still refrain from gentile customs, traditions and festivals which are described as sinful, especially as worship to Yahuah (Deut. 12:4, Jer. 51:45, Rev. 2:14-20 & 18:4, 2 Corin. 6:17).

  4. We are still required to eat only clean animals designated as food and abstain from unclean animals for food (Gen. 7:2, Isa. 65-56, Acts 11:8, Rev. 18:2).

  5. We are still required to abstain from sin as according to the Turah described outside of the Temple, Levitical and Sacrificial System (Matt. 19, John 14:15-17, 1 John 5:2-3, Heb. 8:10, 1 Corin. 6:9-10, Gal. 5:19-21, Eph. 5:5, 1 Tim. 1:9, Heb. 12:14, Rev. 22:15,) which includes observing the “10 Commandments” and many others such as refraining from lust, sexual sins including adultery, drunkenness etc.

  6. We must still abide by the laws of the land (such as paying taxes as required and obedience to the authorities), have order in the Assembly (congregational organization) and family unit (submission and respect of the family order) such as does not require breaking the turah (1 Pet. 2: 13-25, Rom. 13, Heb. 13:17, Titus 3, 1 Pet. 5, Eph. 5, 1 Thess. 5).

  7. We are still expected to dress and behave modestly and humbly as appropriate for our natural-born gender, not attempting to draw sinful/lascivious attention to ourselves (1 Sam. 16:7, Isa. 3, Proverbs 31, 1 Peter 3:3).

  8. The Covenant Promises to Abraham remain the same for all those who Believe in and submit to the Messiah including those who once were banned from entering the Assembly such as eunuchs, the physically uncircumcised, children born outside of wedlock, those under generational curses or dealing with chronic illnesses, etc. (Galatians 2:5-29).

  9. We are still expected to steward our resources and bodies well, even more so than ever because it is now the Temple of Alahym being sober minded not participating in wicked deeds, including not becoming addicted to any substance, or destroying the body through gluttony and engaging in destructive hobbies, sports, pleasures or other vanities (1 Cor. 3:17, Prov. 23, Prov. 28:7, Psalm 78:18, Phil. 3:19, 1 John 2:16, 1 Macc. 1, 1 Corin. 10:7).

Millennial Kingdom Temples

What about the Scriptures that seem to suggest a return to the Temple, Levitical Priesthood and Sacrificial System in the Millennial Reign?

This paradigm is usually built on a faulty timeline of eschatology heavily influenced by a misunderstanding of the context of The Book of Ezekiel. The interpretation of the other Scriptures cited is generally read through the lens of this paradigm and seemingly support the theory. However, the theory can not be supported by all of Scripture as we have discussed previously, therefore must be evaluated in order to fit the Whole of Scripture.

  1. Ezekiel - The Book of Ezekiel is actually 13 Time Stamped Scrolls written to separate kings of Yasharal which held specific prophetic implications hinging on their immediate return to righteousness. Most readers also do not realize these separate scrolls are compiled into one book out of order which was never the Father’s intent! Although some parts of Ezekiel may be discussing prophetic future events, chapters 40-48 specifically describe a temple which requires Sacrifices for Atonement and Sin (Eze. 40:39, 42:13, 43:19, 43:21-22, 43:25-26, 44:27, 44:29, 45:15, 45:17, 45:19, 45:20, 45:22, 45:25, 46:20), including for the sin of the Prince and High Priest (Eze. 45:21) which we have previously discussed in great detail has been settled by the Blood of Yahusha once and for all, therefore renders a literal interpretation post-resurrection with the Messiah as the High Priest impossible. In contrast, we do believe Ezekiel's Temple vision was originally a promise to Yasharal for a literal Levite Tsadaq High Priest to officiate for that generation IF they repented (Eze. 43:9-11), but most did not therefore they were given a much smaller Temple instead. This is no different there then when Yah told Yasharal they would dwell with Him face to face as a "Royal Priesthood", and they rejected His offer in fear and trembling at Mt. Sinai (Exo. 19:4-20:21), or when He promised they would be supernaturally blessed if kept His Commands in Deut. 28, but they did not, or when the Messiah promised He and His Father would come to dwell in Believers if they love Him by obeying Him (Yahu/John 14:23), but obviously not all Believers have the Set Apart Spirit because they don't. Therefore, because that generation did not truly come as a repentant nation, the picture of the Gospel is all that remains and they were given over to a lesser design and continued to be led by Hellenized Jews whereas the Tsadaq Priests left them to dwell in the Dead Sea Caves and home of the Essenes. Each specific part of the Temple represented a facet of the relationship between Yahuah and His People which reveals the New Covenant Spiritual conditions. The fact that the “House of Alahym” now refers to His People rather than a physical temple is further expressed as judgement begins with “Yarushalam” at the “Temple” in Ezekiel 9 during the Great Tribulation (which is a testing by fire to purify His People, or else bring destruction if they refuse to be humbled). Prophecies are meant to be difficult to understand and the obvious on the surface explanation can not be assumed (Isa. 6:10, John 12:40, Eph. 4:18, 2 Corin. 4:4, Prov. 25:2, Luke 24:25, Matt. 16:17, 1 Corin. 2:10, Rev. 19:10). For more information regarding the Ezekiel's Temple original promises to that generation and what it represents for believers click here for a basic overview and here for a more in depth study.

  2. Isaiah 19:18-24 - this passage never declares the sacrifices they would offer "In That Day" will be done in the Millennial Reign. The Term "In That Day" simply means, "At the time/Age appointed". The phrase isn't exclusive to "The Millennial Reign", it can mean any designated time period and only context makes a clear distinction. Also, historical records describe this passage as already having come to pass.

  3. Isaiah 56:7 - This is a metaphor. “As gold in the furnace has he tried them, and received them as a burnt offering,”-Wisdom of Solomon 3:6 and Isaiah 66:20-21, “And they shall bring all your Brothers as an Offering to Yahuah out of all the Gentiles.” These Scriptures actually reveal “burnt offerings” were physical metaphors foreshadowing the day when the Set Apart Spirit would come to dwell in us, leading us to all Truth which sanctifies us “by fire” until we are perfected as “gold is purified in fire”. Therefore, we are the “burnt offering” as we lay down our lives daily to follow the Messiah in Spirit and in Truth and our praises, prayers and love offerings are the “acceptable slaughterings” as opposed to the literal offerings which He does not desire as expressed in Psalms 40:6-9 and Hebrews 10:1-22. These passages are allegorically describing the “House of Alahym” which is the Body of Messiah.

  4. Isaiah 65 - This passage is not insinuating there will still be sin, death, and birth in the Millennial Reign but rather using an analogy of our current life expectancy verses the future life expectancy to express there will be no more death cutting lives short in the Age of the New Heaven and Earth. This passage can not be describing death or birth in the Millennial Reign because: 1) verse 17 says this will manifest after the New Heaven and Earth are established (post Millennial Reign), and 2) the Righteous will be given incorruptible bodies which never die at the First Resurrection which happens at the Last Trump and the beginning of the Millennial Reign (1 Corin. 15, Luke 20) and these bodies will be as the Heavenly Messengers’ bodies which do not procreate (Matt. 22:30, Mark 12:25). Therefore, Isaiah 65 is actually describing how in the Age of the New Heaven and Earth the Righteous will live forever and Sinners have been destroyed out of it so those who dwell there will not procreate because they and their children who were Transformed with them are all the Seed of Abraham (Inheriting the Promise of Eternal Life), so Righteousness will be established in the whole earth forevermore.

  5. Isaiah 66 - Verses 18-22 are not speaking of the Millennial Reign, but of the Great Tribulation and Second Exodus. Verse 22 only mentions the Promise of the New Heaven and Earth as a Witness that during the preceding time, these prophecies of the Great Tribulation and Second Exodus will also be established just as assuredly as the New Heaven and Earth will be established literally. The prophecy relates that during the time of the Exodus and Tribulation, the Gentile Converts and Hebrew Believers scattered throughout the world will be both metaphorically brought back into the “House of Yahuah”, i.e. coming back into Covenant with Him through the Messiah, and also literally physically brought back to meet Him when He returns at the end of the Great Tribulation. Therefore, this passage never states literal sacrifices will be offered in the Millennial Reign. It says He will take Gentiles "as" Priests in the New Covenant Age (Hebrews, 1 Peter 2, Rev. 1:6, 5:9-10, & 20:6 teach all Righteous Believers, including Gentile Converts are Priests of the Malky-Tsadaq Order). It says His People are brought in "as" the "offering" (this isn't the Age of the Millennial Reign, but the Tribulation Period/Second Exodus where they meet Him at Mt. Zion before they are Transfigured into their Eternal Incorruptible Bodies and Spirits). The heavy contrast between those who keep the Feasts of Alahym verses those who do not is described in the last verse revealing the disobedient are all destroyed by the End of the Greater Exodus and Tribulation period, whereas the Obedient remain alive and well. This is further proven by verse 23 which states “all flesh” shall come to worship Him during the following Age (which is the Millennial Reign) which disproves the theory of many unrighteous gentiles existing on the earth who do not worship Him during the Millennial Reign.

  6. Jeremiah 33 - This chapter is not discussing a return to sacrifices in the Millennial Reign, but reiterates the gratitude of Yasharal and shock of the Unbelieving Gentiles for the actual manifestation of the Promise of the New Covenant which would reign from the time of the Messiah’s ministry on earth until the time He Returns at the End of the Great Tribulation ultimately coming to fruit through the extension of Peace and Safety offered to His Remnant throughout the Greater Exodus and Millennial Reign when all flesh worships Him (which includes the Gentile Converts) after the disobedient have been destroyed from the earth. The sacrifices of praise brought into His House are actually praise from His People, not literal sacrifices of praise offered in a temple! This is revealed as Verse 8 points out Yasharal has been cleansed and forgiven of all their sins, which we discussed requires an end to sacrifices because sacrifices cause a remembrance of sin. *note: verses 33:14-26 are not original to the Inspired Text and may have been added by Unbelieving Masoretes desiring to reassert their doctrinal position.

  7. Zechariah 14 - This chapter does not discuss a return to sacrifices and requirement of the Gentiles to return to the Temple in Yarushalam during the Feasts in the Millennial Reign or thereafter, but moments of decisive action leading to the manifestation of the physical and spiritual implications of the entire New Covenant (including some of the prophetic events which played out during the first century preceding the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, including Yarushalam being gathered against, half of the city exiled, the Feet of Alahym standing on the Mount of Olives, the sighting of the Messengers of Heaven appearing in the sky, the Mount of Olives splitting in two, the Pools of Siloam flowing to the east and the west, and the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius which decimated the surrounding area and even the last verse through the actual destruction of the Temple rendering the Canaanites unable to ever enter in again possible). These are historical events which were recorded by the Midrash (LamR Proem 25, Rabbi Jonathan) and Josephus (The War of the Jews, 6.5.3.) as well as Gentile Historians like Tacitus (Histories 5:13-43). For more information click here (LSU does not agree with all material presented in the author's entire website, but the citations are quite useful)

  8. Malachi - These verses state that particular generation was judged as Unfaithful and Wicked. The call to repentance was required "now" (Mal. 1:9, 2:1, 3:15), rather than "In the last day". The last chapter warns them they have been judged and will be chastised greatly, and reminds the Luym/Levites they will repent only when His Judgement falls on them which proves to them He has called them to Righteousness as He foretold in Ch. 2. The passage never states the sacrifices that will be offered "In That Day" means "During the Millennial Reign". It just says their sacrifices will be brought in Righteousness as in the Age before. It then encourages them that those who Believe the Gospel and submit to His Commands will be supernaturally empowered to overcome their enemies, but warns them anyone who refuses to repent, will not just be judged to experience the First Death, but also the Second Death when His Eternal High Priest (Messiah) comes to judge the world at the End of the Age (after the 2nd Resurrection). Malachi was Written just before the Books of the Maccabees which describe them finally repenting from their idolatry to worship the Father in Righteousness in the Rededicated Temple only after a long period of intense chastisement. They describe the supernatural help of the Messenger of Yah enabling them to overcome their enemies when they repented, as well as the devastating destruction for when they refused.

Other Considerations

  1. Nowhere in the New Covenant Scriptures are any disciples commanded, or recorded ever completing any actual sacrifices Post-Ascension: Shaul states he only observed some regulations so as not to offend some Jews which he hoped to share the Truth with before they had the opportunity to hear him out. He was also prevented from completing the Nazarite Vow. The Nazarite Vow is a voluntary observance and not required, yet regardless his participation was a personal decision to appease men which is not required to share the Good News.

  2. We ARE told many times in the New Covenant Scriptures the offerings, sacrifices of peace and sin and ritual washings have been completed once and for all, and peace and sin sacrifices are no longer required since forgiveness reigns.

  3. We ARE told repeatedly what kind of sacrifices and offerings are acceptable, and they are freewill offerings to the poor and needy, praises and good works but never include killing animals or burning food and the like.

  4. The Messiah returns at the Second Coming with the New City of Yarushalam, which has no temple. The sacrifices were commanded to be at the Temple in Yarushalam.

  5. We are given eternal perfect bodies at the resurrection and rapture which happens at the end of the Greater Exodus and Tribulation period. These bodies do not procreate or die.

  6. 2 Baruk 72 reveals those from other nations who have not known the Bashurah, but walked in Righteousness as convicted by their consciousness will be resurrected to eternal life serving as servants to the Royal Nation of Priests forever: "1 Hear now also regarding the bright lightning which is to come at the consummation after these black (waters): this is the word. 2 After the signs have come, of which you were told before, when the nations become turbulent, and the time of My Messiah is come, he shall both summon all the nations, and some of them he shall spare, and some of them he shall slay. 3 These things therefore shall come upon the nations which are to be spared by Him. 4 Every nation, which knows not Yasharal and has not trodden down the Seed of Yaacub, shall indeed be spared. 5 And this because some out of every nation shall be subjected to your people. 6 But all those who have ruled over you, or have known you, shall be given up to the sword."

In closing, the true Bashurah reveals the New Covenant has been instituted by the Messiah and sealed with His Blood and Body broken for all those who choose to believe it is Enough. Those who believe the Good News and are immersed for the forgiveness of their sins, repent from their sin and return to Covenant through following His Example by keeping the Commands of Alahym in Spirit and in Truth will be grafted in to Yasharal, receive the Set Apart Spirit of Alahym and the Promises of Abraham and rule forever as a Chosen Set Apart Royal Priesthood of Righteousness called to offer up spiritual sacrifices of life, love and praise!

We trust Yahuah will open eyes to the blind, ears to the deaf and hearts of the humble to see, hear and believe if His Children seek Him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength! HallaluYah Shyluh has Come!

“How pleasant upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings Good News,

who proclaims Shalum, who brings Good News, who proclaims Deliverance,

who says to Tsayan, ‘Your Alahym Reigns!’”-Isaiah 52:7

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